REG Study Group October November 2017 - Page 6

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  • #1620148

    Welcome to the Q4 2017 CPA Exam Study Group for REG. 🙂

    Introduce yourselves and let your fellow NINJAs know when you plan to take your REG exam.

    The Five Steps (NINJA Framework):

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  • #1631000

    @determined24 I'm using Ninja sniper this go around, it's no longer possible to just buy the book which I was previously using.
    I like the program, when I read I have a whole highlighter thing going on which is just to help me pay attention and then I take my own notes and re-write those and Jeff's notes.

    As I write the notes for each section I do my MCq's and take note of what I'm getting wrong as why. I plan to take practice tests every weekend until my exam as well.


    I plan to take REG Nov 25th… Using Wiley only. Is this a bad idea?


    @kimmmaybaby that sounds like a good approach. I will be making written notes this time from question practice.


    @determined24 – I usually watch the videos (Roger) and I highlight the main points that I use as my notes and then while doing MCQs i add to these notes the weak areas

    FAR 8/2016
    AUD 1/2017


    @almostCPA – I would say take it on the 10th in case any delays happen and the notice gets to the board on the 11th. not sure if what I am saying is correct but just in case

    FAR 8/2016
    AUD 1/2017


    Well, REG has bested me again. First a 65, now a 74. I will be taking it again in mid-October. Anyone else doing a REG re-take? I wish I knew what I needed to study more, but Jeff recommends starting from scratch, so off I go again to cram some MCQs. Thank goodness for Ninja MCQs.


    Wrote REG on Sept 2, for the third time. Got 73. So close yet so far. Will have to attempt it again in November. My first paper expires in January 🤦‍♂️


    Failed Reg for the third time. Just cant seem to get past it. I felt pretty comfortable too. Not sure what I could do better. @kmeadows I will be starting from scratch with you also. The pain is real.

    Reg- 67, 68, 68
    FAR- 78
    AUD – 77


    I’m here for a retake as well. I’m using the Roger course and I want to supplement with Ninja MCQs, but I’m trying to decide if I should get the Scout package or Sniper. Does anyone have any insight about the Ninja Book and if you think it’s worth it? That would be my main reason to spend more on the Sniper. I felt like the Roger book lacked a lot of detail that I was seeing on the Ninja MCQs the last go-round.


    I'll be a retake as well. The joy! I'm going to shoot for exam about November 10th. I'm traveling the last half of November and I really don't want to take this with me. I think I'll start with a practice test to find my weak areas one day this week so I know which areas to spend more time on as I start over.


    I am retaking REG as well and planning on taking it in October. I am using Surgent review course. Is anyone else using Surgent review course?


    I think the exam pass lies in the strategy of how we use the review course and not necessarily the type. I spoke to a dozen passing person and their review course all varies. Becker passes were in the 90s though.
    As for my primary review course, I feel overwhelmed, If i tried to summarize it I would end up with more pages than the actual book. Everything seemed important. The second sitting the exam seemed ok, I felt good and don't see what else I could have known to better the grade, surprisingly I scored lower than the first :(.
    Now I am about to take REG for the 3rd time, If I don't get this strategy right.
    I will be starting afresh (thankfully I have the recommended time). I threw out my old notes, got a new review course as well (just because i failed twice with the old one scoring lower).

    Are there any other retakers could identify where they might have gone wrong the 1st or 2nd time and strategies to combat it for Q4 FINAL TAKE.
    All the very best you all.


    Coachemup I get your point, but they can test you on anything. Understanding the recapture and the 1231 gain after recapture, the Differences between when to recognize 1245 and 1250 (one is for real v personal property, and capital asset v non cap asset is very important. If you know what I said above-you will be golden


    Determined24 I am in the same boat. I think we need to read and really understand each section piece by piece. I know on the last exam self employment income really killed me. Not really understanding the tax flow I think killed me (what's reported in income v not). Is it a business exp on schedule c or schedule a for mort into related to self employment income. Understanding those concepts will give us a passing grade. I know I passed the other three based off that vs trying to get through as much as I can. Do notes and Read

    Kewl Dewd

    I failed REG for the second time (both times with a 65) – i'm really wondering if pursuing this CPA is my cup of tea. Really disappointed right now – feel like freaking crying. LOL

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