REG Study Group October November 2017 - Page 16

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  • #1620148

    Welcome to the Q4 2017 CPA Exam Study Group for REG. 🙂

    Introduce yourselves and let your fellow NINJAs know when you plan to take your REG exam.

    The Five Steps (NINJA Framework):

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  • #1645538

    I am kind of in the same boat like @coachemup, I feel good about the tax part, my ninja average is low 80s but then B-law is in the 60s and 70s. My exam is on the 21st and I was thinking to tackle sims starting next weekend. I have Roger, Ninja and Gleim but not sure which one to do yet

    FAR 8/2016
    AUD 1/2017


    Thats that way to go. To be honest, I hate the sims. Unfortunately practicing them, however, give you an honest gauge of how well you know each area. Credits included. I wouldn't gloss over those. If anything, it'll just make those MCQ that much easier come exam day. I'm struggling with CPA excels multinational tax rules. Either its so boring that I can't keep my eyes open or its complex stuff. I could only see 3 max questions being on the actual exam. Would you agree?


    Hi guys, do not forget to go over the AICPA sample test before taking the exam. Those TBS are very useful. GL



    Can anyone please help me to find detailed answers for AICPA sample SIM questions?


    Hi @CoachEmUp,
    “The limited liability of the shareholder of a closely held corporation will most likely be disregarded if the shareholders
    A. Lend money to the corporation.
    B. Are also corporate officers, directors, or employees.
    C. Undercapitalized the corporation when it was formed.
    D. Formed the corporation solely to limit their personal liability.

    Answer: C. Probably another one that won't get asked, but surprised me a bit (I chose B but can see why it's wrong).”

    This is more like related to areas of shareholder's topic that is not so clear at first. Tricky actually. If a shareholder becomes one of the corporate officers, directors, or employees of the corporation, fiduciary duty is expected; and likely can be compromised in some cases, shareholder can be accountable for “piercing the corporate veil”.

    So, “C” (Undercapitalized the corporation when it was formed) is one of those ‘corporate veil piercing' issues. Sort of similar to a case of limited partner, started doing management duties, and ended up as general partner instead. General partner has unlimited liability.

    In C. Corp., think of the less than 20% shareholder ownership, which uses cost method of allocation, but then started having ‘significant influence, that's when the ‘equity method' of allocation is adapted. Who are those who participate in raising capital? Can corporate officers, directors, or employees be shareholders? Yes.

    Well, that's my opinion. My answer will like be ‘C' for the actual exam.
    By the way, we're on the same boat, taking 2017 Q4 REG as well.

    Good luck to us.


    @rincpa they aren't posted any where with explanations. I would search the old study group threads here and you should have some luck on the more difficult one's where people posted them and it was discussed.

    @earla yep after looking a bit more I get why C is right in that spot.


    Can someone explain on the AICPA practice test why on the SIM Question #2 the Remaining basis is $14,600? Can someone walk through that calculation? I don't see in way how the basis is that high.

    In SIM #3 why is Sullivan's Basis 252,000? I get 267,000.

    Final SIM #5 How do you come up with the answers for #1 (involuntary conversion) and #4 (truck basis).

    If anyone can help with those I'd appreciate it! Thanks.


    I'm not reviewing those yet, but I keep this link to a you tube video which helped me a lot before taking REG in Q3.I believe SIM 5 begins at minute 20 or so.
    I hope it helps


    Can someone please explain the difference between individuals and corporations for Section 1250 Depreciation Recapture?


    @determined Thanks! Will look at tomorrow, but will be a big help.

    Another questions for anyone that may know:

    Wilson and Thomas are partners. Wilson contributes $150,000 to the partnership, and Thomas contributes $50,000. Wilson does 40% of the work, and Thomas does 60%. They do not have a partnership agreement that addresses the sharing of profits and losses. By the end of the year, the partnership has earned a profit of $200,000. What is Wilson's share of the profit under the Revised Uniform Partnership Act?

    A $80,000
    B $100,000
    C $115,000
    D $150,000

    I swear I've seen this 3 different ways, but perhaps there's a difference between limited and general p-ships? Answer here is they split it evenly because it's a general p-ship so B is the answer. Is it in a limited p-ship that they would split it according to their contributions so the answer would've been D? Thanks.


    @coachemup – Yes Limited Partnership is the one with distribution is made in proportion to the value contributed

    FAR 8/2016
    AUD 1/2017


    @coachemup – Thanks coach


    @coachemup Limited pships split according to contributions and general p ships split evenly (with no agreement present). However, I feel like they will give you more questions on the actual test relating to what is stated in the agreement.


    FYI – Found another typo on cpa excel


    ($8,000) A corporation may deduct up to $5,000 of organizational expenditures for the tax year in which the corporation begins business. This $5,000 amount must be reduced by the amount by which organizational expenditures exceed $50,000. Remaining expenditures are deducted ratably over the 180-month period beginning with the month in which the corporation begins business. Aviator's qualifying expenditures include the legal fees and state incorporation fees, which total $50,000. However, the $15,000 commission for selling stock is neither deductible nor amortizable. The amount of Aviator's deduction for organizational expenditures for 2016 is $5,000 + ($45,000 × 12/180) = $8,000.

    State incorporation fees aren't organizational expenses, so only the legal fees are deductible. Not sure if this tripped anyone up, but I know this is wrong.


    Wait on second thought i think this is correct. Oops!! So many rules

    I mixed up stock ISSUANCE costs vs incorporation fees.

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