Good to know Qlad π I have to review this and will be doing it tomorrow/Friday.
I have a question for you as there are two questions that seems to conflicted each other in terms of the answer..
Q29 – Wiley Module 24
Integral Crop has assets in excess of $ 4M, has 350 Stockholders and has issued common and preferred stock. Integral is subject to the reporting provision of the SEC Act 1934. For 2008 Fiscal Year Integral filed the following with SEC: Quarterly reports an annual report and periodic listing newly appointed officer of the Corporation. Integral did not notify the SEC of stockholder “short swing” profits; did not report that a competitor made a tender offer to Integral stockholders; and did not report changes in the price of the stock as sold on the NYSE. Under SEC requirement which of the following was integral required to do?
A Report the tender offer to the SEC
B Notify the SEC of the stockholder “Short Swing” Profits
C File the periodic report listing newly appointed officers
D Report the changes in the Market price of its stock.
FAR 05/27/14; 786/110 - Done !