REG Study Group July August 2017 - Page 3

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  • #1563001

    Welcome to the Q3 2017 CPA Exam Study Group for REG. 🙂

    Introduce yourselves and let your fellow NINJAs know when you plan to take your REG exam.

    The Five Steps (NINJA Framework):

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  • #1564092

    @Tulip I don't think it's too late. I just started R3 a minute ago. I'm just going to keep on truckin'
    You can get the MCQ on the right of the screen.

    BEC - 79
    REG - 85
    AUD - 5/27/16


    @Holly sexten,

    Thank you for the update.
    Where can i get ninja MCqs and how much?


    Does anyone have any Tips for getting through this material the most efficient/fastest way possible? I'm using Becker, and will add ninja MCQ for review later.


    @Holly Sexton,

    Thx. I got the Ninja McQs. It looks like u r ahead of me by one chapter. I work 8-6 and Sundays. I am free to study only saturday
    afternoon and few hours in z moring before heading to work. That has been my way of life for the past year. I took FAR in May and this is my final one. For audit, i only read beckers final review note and did the MCQs, Bec Beckers full package and for FAR covered arround 52% of the Becker's material. When is ur exam? Based on my review of chapter one, one can ask questions in diffrent ways. As I am short of time, the only way out would be do so many MCqs. That's why I bought Ninja to supplement Beckers.
    Great to have company.


    @yacob I test 7/29 and it'll be my last too! I'm so ready for this all to be behind me.

    BEC - 79
    REG - 85
    AUD - 5/27/16


    Hey everyone! This is my first time posting! I take REG on 07/15/2017. This will hopefully be my last exam.

    AUD 97

    FAR 05/01/2017

    BEC 05/31/2017

    REG 07/15/2017

    Best of luck studying!!


    Anyone using Wiley to study for this? The guy in the videos, not sure what his name is but the first set of videos, talks sooooo fast.


    I have Roger and I bought the course in the latter part of last year so of course Reg is outdated…I felt that it was a ripoff to buy newer books for $75.00 when he published them in April and I haven't even used the old books. But, I am having to play detective and compare the old info to the new info he gives and it's already working my nerves…Maybe I should have bought the new books when he had a 2 for 1 special.


    Hello everyone!

    I'm taking REG on 7/30. I thought I'd discuss my strategy here using Becker and the NINJA notes/audio – any feedback is appreciated.
    The plan is as follows:
    1. Daily: On a daily basis, look at each section in the Becker textbook and make notes. Then go to the corresponding multiple choice question set. Beef up the initial notes based on tough questions or questions answered incorrectly.
    2. Monthly: I'd like to finish this first pass at the notes/MCQs by the end of the first month (about 1/2 way to the exam date). For the second month, I plan to revisit the initial notes BUT also read the NINJA notes, and re-write the original notes supplementing them with the NINJA notes. As before, I will be working the MCQs right after the corresponding sections' notes' completion.
    3. Audio: I'm also trying to listen to the audio for an hour when working out or commuting.

    This addresses MCQs. I'd planned on working the simulations at the end of each chapter's notes.

    Unfortunately I cannot dedicate more than 3 hours on weekdays so I wake up super-early (like at 4:30), have my morning coffee, and then hit the books until 7:30 when it is time to get ready for work. On the weekdays I can spend more time: 6 hours/day or so.

    Is this strategy too aggressive? Any tips?


    @oreoblast Hopefully last exam for you and me both!!!!

    BEC - 79
    REG - 85
    AUD - 5/27/16


    @Holly sexton and Everyone in this room.Here is food for thought.

    Can anyone file a joint return and at the same time pay an alimony? Is this possible?

    Thanks everyone


    @Tulip ,joint return and at the same time pay an alimony?
    The very first line of alimony requirements is
    Alimony Requirements
    A payment is alimony only if all the following requirements are met:

    The spouses don't file a joint return with each other;


    @Holly Sexton you profile picture is awesome , mother kid both equally happy.


    @Tulip I say yes. As long as the alimony is for an ex-spouse and you are remarried and file a MFJ return.

    WannaFree Thank you! I actually had a good laugh at your Gearty photo!

    BEC - 79
    REG - 85
    AUD - 5/27/16


    Could really use some help on tax depreciation conventions. From my understanding: Real estate uses mid-month and personal property uses half-year, except when 40% of personal property was purchased in the 4th quarter then mid-quarter is used. But when would mid-month be used for personal property?

    R3 really took the wind out of my sails.

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