Can someone please clarify this? I thought passive was not part of AGI
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In the current year, a taxpayer reports the following items:
Salary $50,000
Income from Partnership A, in which the
taxpayer materially participates 20,000
Passive activity loss from Partnership B (40,000)
During the year, the taxpayer disposed of the interest in Partnership B, which had a suspended loss carryover of $10,000 from prior years. What is the taxpayer's adjusted gross income for the current year?
You answered D. The correct answer is A.
Adjusted gross income is calculated by subtracting business expenses and other deductions from gross income. The adjusted gross income is $20,000, calculated as follows:
Salary $50,000
Income from partnership 20,000
Passive loss from Partnership B (40,000)
Suspended loss carryover (10,000)
Adjusted gross income $20,000
Because the taxpayer disposed of ownership in Partnership B during the year, he may take all of the loss up to the amount of his basis in the partnership.
Question #: 1059 Category: 5B Reporting of Items from Pass-Through Entities