REG Study Group July August 2013 - Page 93

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    ssiergi As I understand it, the amount of start up expenses that are in Excess of the $50,000 limit reduce the $5,000 immediate write off – dollar for dollar. So if the start up cost is $53,000 then the 3,000 in excess is taken off the $5,000 immediate write off = $2,000 immediate write off and $50,000 amortized over 180 (or 15 years – for me it's easier to use the 180 because I can then multiply it by the number of months – just don't let the date that they start up confuse you).

    For example: 54,000 in start up costs, $4,000 is above the $50,000. Deduct 5,000 – 4,000 = 1,000 immediate write off. The rest gets amortized.

    What test material are you using? I like your questions. They are more detailed.

    @Jasbeerch Multiple Choice questions/ Multiple choice questions/ Multiple choice questions/ simulations problems /simulations problems /simulations problems. I don't know what material you have, so it is difficult to let you know. Just keep working problems and make sure you understand them – even if you get them correct, why did you get it correct and why were the other answers wrong?

    But then again, I walked out of the test like a zombie and I still have no feeling as to how I did. But some questions on the exam looked very familiar. I also got copies of the released AICPA questions and did those. I went two years back.

    Good Luck!! 🙂 I know how you feel!! Just don't forget your NTS when you go!!

    FAR Aug 2012 79
    AUD Oct 2012 84
    REG Aug 2013 87
    BEC Jan 2013 80


    ssiergi As I understand it, the amount of start up expenses that are in Excess of the $50,000 limit reduce the $5,000 immediate write off – dollar for dollar. So if the start up cost is $53,000 then the 3,000 in excess is taken off the $5,000 immediate write off = $2,000 immediate write off and $50,000 amortized over 180 (or 15 years – for me it's easier to use the 180 because I can then multiply it by the number of months – just don't let the date that they start up confuse you).

    For example: 54,000 in start up costs, $4,000 is above the $50,000. Deduct 5,000 – 4,000 = 1,000 immediate write off. The rest gets amortized.

    What test material are you using? I like your questions. They are more detailed.

    @Jasbeerch Multiple Choice questions/ Multiple choice questions/ Multiple choice questions/ simulations problems /simulations problems /simulations problems. I don't know what material you have, so it is difficult to let you know. Just keep working problems and make sure you understand them – even if you get them correct, why did you get it correct and why were the other answers wrong?

    But then again, I walked out of the test like a zombie and I still have no feeling as to how I did. But some questions on the exam looked very familiar. I also got copies of the released AICPA questions and did those. I went two years back.

    Good Luck!! 🙂 I know how you feel!! Just don't forget your NTS when you go!!

    FAR Aug 2012 79
    AUD Oct 2012 84
    REG Aug 2013 87
    BEC Jan 2013 80


    Oh my goodness. Yaeger review is just AWFUL. I got it because I have failed REG twice with Roger and felt I was missing something. This guy is the worst. He just jacked up an example straight from the Wiley book and in doing so completely didn't teach the concept. Good thing I have been through this twice and know what I'm doing without him. Good gosh.

    I'm going to keep on with it because I'm more than half done, but he is very error prone and misspeaks a lot and has to correct himself. Sometimes he catches himself, sometimes he doesn't. I'd be very wary of this being your only REG study material if you are going through REG the first time.

    BEC: 7/15/13 - Passed! 83
    AUD: 5/20/13 - Passed! 84
    REG: 2/25/13 - 68, 4/8/13- 74 - You have got to be joking. Retake: 8/31/13
    FAR: 11/29/12 - Passed! 82

    Pregnant and studying- due with my first (baby boy) in November.


    Oh my goodness. Yaeger review is just AWFUL. I got it because I have failed REG twice with Roger and felt I was missing something. This guy is the worst. He just jacked up an example straight from the Wiley book and in doing so completely didn't teach the concept. Good thing I have been through this twice and know what I'm doing without him. Good gosh.

    I'm going to keep on with it because I'm more than half done, but he is very error prone and misspeaks a lot and has to correct himself. Sometimes he catches himself, sometimes he doesn't. I'd be very wary of this being your only REG study material if you are going through REG the first time.

    BEC: 7/15/13 - Passed! 83
    AUD: 5/20/13 - Passed! 84
    REG: 2/25/13 - 68, 4/8/13- 74 - You have got to be joking. Retake: 8/31/13
    FAR: 11/29/12 - Passed! 82

    Pregnant and studying- due with my first (baby boy) in November.


    @Heidi.. Just Becker.. I made that example up cause a lot of becker questions don't give many examples of outliers to the rules.. I pulled that unearned revenue answer off the IRS website from pub 525.. I'm a corporate tax accountant so I'm used to thinking in tax concepts


    @Heidi.. Just Becker.. I made that example up cause a lot of becker questions don't give many examples of outliers to the rules.. I pulled that unearned revenue answer off the IRS website from pub 525.. I'm a corporate tax accountant so I'm used to thinking in tax concepts


    ssiergi Cool! I actually meant to direct that to Insiyah24 – but misdirected it to you by mistake. Sorry :}

    I was wondering what material she had that would be asking the outliers, Becker usually does not have questions like that and I think they are good questions because they teach you the exceptions as well as the rules. (Just in case I don't make it this time – ugh)!

    OkieGasAcct Its good that you are catching His mistakes! It means that you know the material. Although, not a good add for his product!! I got to the point on my Becker material (since this was my 3x with this one) that I could answer the multiple choice and the Sims without much of a problem – which wasn't good because I felt I wasn't learning anything other than the questions!! But…. I'm not pregnant!! Pregnancy through the summer months?? WOW!! I'm impressed!!

    FAR Aug 2012 79
    AUD Oct 2012 84
    REG Aug 2013 87
    BEC Jan 2013 80


    ssiergi Cool! I actually meant to direct that to Insiyah24 – but misdirected it to you by mistake. Sorry :}

    I was wondering what material she had that would be asking the outliers, Becker usually does not have questions like that and I think they are good questions because they teach you the exceptions as well as the rules. (Just in case I don't make it this time – ugh)!

    OkieGasAcct Its good that you are catching His mistakes! It means that you know the material. Although, not a good add for his product!! I got to the point on my Becker material (since this was my 3x with this one) that I could answer the multiple choice and the Sims without much of a problem – which wasn't good because I felt I wasn't learning anything other than the questions!! But…. I'm not pregnant!! Pregnancy through the summer months?? WOW!! I'm impressed!!

    FAR Aug 2012 79
    AUD Oct 2012 84
    REG Aug 2013 87
    BEC Jan 2013 80



    Im using Becker 2013 book, and my test is Aug. 20th, i have just realized that my book (2013 edition) is pretty much completely changed with the 2013 becker updates. How concerned should i be that i have been studying using the wrong numbers.For example I did all the practice problems (and got them correct using the 7.5% reduction for Medical Expenses instead of the new 10% reduction that is in the becker 2013 Errata sheet?

    Please help im freaking out now!

    FAR- 80 (magical)
    REG- 8/20/13
    AUD- 10/5/13
    BEC- TBD



    Im using Becker 2013 book, and my test is Aug. 20th, i have just realized that my book (2013 edition) is pretty much completely changed with the 2013 becker updates. How concerned should i be that i have been studying using the wrong numbers.For example I did all the practice problems (and got them correct using the 7.5% reduction for Medical Expenses instead of the new 10% reduction that is in the becker 2013 Errata sheet?

    Please help im freaking out now!

    FAR- 80 (magical)
    REG- 8/20/13
    AUD- 10/5/13
    BEC- TBD


    Also, the reduction of deductible medical expenses has been extended to 10% of AGI from 7.5% of AGI. I was wondering if then this eliminated the need to add back the Adjustment in the TIMME mnemonic in Becker that had you add back some of the medical deduction so that it was limited to 10%. Now that the original deduction must exceed 10% AGI I assume that this adjustment is no longer necessary. Becker's Errata sheet doesn't say anything about the AMT calculation changing however.

    FAR- 80 (magical)
    REG- 8/20/13
    AUD- 10/5/13
    BEC- TBD


    Also, the reduction of deductible medical expenses has been extended to 10% of AGI from 7.5% of AGI. I was wondering if then this eliminated the need to add back the Adjustment in the TIMME mnemonic in Becker that had you add back some of the medical deduction so that it was limited to 10%. Now that the original deduction must exceed 10% AGI I assume that this adjustment is no longer necessary. Becker's Errata sheet doesn't say anything about the AMT calculation changing however.

    FAR- 80 (magical)
    REG- 8/20/13
    AUD- 10/5/13
    BEC- TBD


    Turtle3190 You are correct! No need to adjust for the 10%, its already there! One less calculation!!

    FAR Aug 2012 79
    AUD Oct 2012 84
    REG Aug 2013 87
    BEC Jan 2013 80


    Turtle3190 You are correct! No need to adjust for the 10%, its already there! One less calculation!!

    FAR Aug 2012 79
    AUD Oct 2012 84
    REG Aug 2013 87
    BEC Jan 2013 80


    Yikes Turtle…….I didn't get the update for the medical expenses and just took the exam. For some reason I was thinking Becker updated automatically when connected to the internet. I guess not. Doh!

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