@CPAforeigner Are you certain you bombed it? I'm so sorry. It's not a fun feeling walking (or slinking) out of an exam you think you did terrible in. I'm hoping you didn't do poorly.
My exam date is Aug 2 – I had to move it. My schedule got loaded down with new projects and so my study time is somewhat shorter. I am determined and am going to pass this one. I know I can. I'm aiming for a 98 – and hoping for a 75!!
Thanks for the help on the questions!! I will try it again and see what happens. Sometimes I like to see the questions that I got correct to make sure that I know the reason I got it correct – not just because it was wild fluke.
Good luck on BEC!! Remember that the simulations are grading you on how well you write – I don't know if it actually grades you on getting the answer correct (or so I heard somewhere). You can do this!!!! 🙂
FAR Aug 2012 79
AUD Oct 2012 84
REG Aug 2013 87
BEC Jan 2013 80