@DJN Thank you! That was very nice of you to say and gives me a smile! 🙂 Fermented grape juice is supposed to be good for your cholesterol!! So I'm all for the health benefits!!
@icanhazcpa If you can hammer your way through the simulations and feel strong with the material in REG, then that's great!! The research for answers was easier in FAR than in REG (for me, that's what got me in the first REG exam). Don't look in the rear view at your past tests that haven't been graded – you can't drive forward while looking behind you – well you can, but it would cause a massive accident! Besides, you will probably be pleasantly surprised!! Don't let those thoughts deflate your forward momentum through this whole process! If your doing great – then run with it!!! Even if we look at the worst case scenario, if you failed FAR then you are 3 1/2 months away from being able to sit again – that means, Keep Going with REG!! Knock It OUT!!! 🙂 (But I bet you passed FAR – you kind of need that knowledge to get a good grip on REG).
FAR Aug 2012 79
AUD Oct 2012 84
REG Aug 2013 87
BEC Jan 2013 80