REG Study Group July August 2013 - Page 63

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    @weston I'm worried about that stuff too. I went through the questions and did fine just on common sense and what I remembered from business law. However, I remember feeling similarly with regard to the IT section of BEC. It didn't come back to bite me too hard, but I do remember wishing I had done something more. The thing with those long sections is that they're not broken up in a way that you can easily figure out what the study and what's important and what's not. What I'm going to try to do is read through those sections several times and work lots of questions. I don't see what else to do. There's not a way to memorize everything that Becker presents. I think it's like 50 pages of just huge paragraphs.

    BEC - 83
    FAR - 83
    REG - 74, 78
    AUD - 76

    Becker Self Study


    @weston I'm worried about that stuff too. I went through the questions and did fine just on common sense and what I remembered from business law. However, I remember feeling similarly with regard to the IT section of BEC. It didn't come back to bite me too hard, but I do remember wishing I had done something more. The thing with those long sections is that they're not broken up in a way that you can easily figure out what the study and what's important and what's not. What I'm going to try to do is read through those sections several times and work lots of questions. I don't see what else to do. There's not a way to memorize everything that Becker presents. I think it's like 50 pages of just huge paragraphs.

    BEC - 83
    FAR - 83
    REG - 74, 78
    AUD - 76

    Becker Self Study


    So i just took my first final exam for Becker and struggled with some of it. My exam is Monday, is that a bad sign? kind of has me nervous now. i felt pretty good about the material but just got confused and mixed up on some questions.


    So i just took my first final exam for Becker and struggled with some of it. My exam is Monday, is that a bad sign? kind of has me nervous now. i felt pretty good about the material but just got confused and mixed up on some questions.


    Finishing the last part of chapter 4 this weekend, then will start on chapter 5 Monday. I haven't been doing flashcards or reviewing my prior notes so I already feel like I don't remember a lot. I need to start doing more review beginning immediately so I'm not completely starting over at review time. I think I'm going to rewrite all my flashcards for chapters 1-4 this weekend on the Brainscape app,

    Becker, Wiley Test Bank, and Ninja 10 Point Combo!

    FAR: 89
    REG: 87
    AUD: 92
    BEC: 75
    Ethics: 90

    Licensed Arizona CPA


    Finishing the last part of chapter 4 this weekend, then will start on chapter 5 Monday. I haven't been doing flashcards or reviewing my prior notes so I already feel like I don't remember a lot. I need to start doing more review beginning immediately so I'm not completely starting over at review time. I think I'm going to rewrite all my flashcards for chapters 1-4 this weekend on the Brainscape app,

    Becker, Wiley Test Bank, and Ninja 10 Point Combo!

    FAR: 89
    REG: 87
    AUD: 92
    BEC: 75
    Ethics: 90

    Licensed Arizona CPA


    Major Power Weekend for me! looking to really master some topics! Just about 9 study days till exam time! Even if my exam is 5pm on Monday the 22nd I am taking the day, relaxing reviewing and then test time! I WILL PASS!

    Happy studying all!

    A - 61, 91!!
    B - 78!
    F - 76!!!
    R - 71, 73, 74, 69, 77!!!!

    Finally done!

    This is my 2nd attempt at the exam, I had two parts passed (failed many) and I stupidly quit, big mistake. Now I'm back and with a vengeance!


    Major Power Weekend for me! looking to really master some topics! Just about 9 study days till exam time! Even if my exam is 5pm on Monday the 22nd I am taking the day, relaxing reviewing and then test time! I WILL PASS!

    Happy studying all!

    A - 61, 91!!
    B - 78!
    F - 76!!!
    R - 71, 73, 74, 69, 77!!!!

    Finally done!

    This is my 2nd attempt at the exam, I had two parts passed (failed many) and I stupidly quit, big mistake. Now I'm back and with a vengeance!


    Preparing for REG at the end of unit 1. Took the AUD exam on 7/8/13, waiting on my scores. Felt ready confident after it was over. Left one hour on the clock. Using the Becker course. Will post update after receiving my score.


    BEC - 8/30/2015 (63);
    FAR - 4/9/2016 (?)
    REG - 5/28/2016
    AUD - course expires Becker


    Preparing for REG at the end of unit 1. Took the AUD exam on 7/8/13, waiting on my scores. Felt ready confident after it was over. Left one hour on the clock. Using the Becker course. Will post update after receiving my score.


    BEC - 8/30/2015 (63);
    FAR - 4/9/2016 (?)
    REG - 5/28/2016
    AUD - course expires Becker


    Ok! I'm trying to get past the worry part of this exam. I keep thinking that I know this stuff (and for the most part, I kinda feel I have a good handle on most of it) but I just keep thinking that there is one more piece that I need to get, that there might be that one more detail that I need to know. I guess I just have to come to the realization in the fact that I can't know everything – it's almost impossible and that testing is just a statistical draw of questions. Its the mind game part that I don't like. Looking at the posts, I realize that I am not alone in this boat!! Just wish I could get past this last section. First a 71 then a 74. At least I'm moving in the right direction.

    Think I'll get a glass of wine. 🙂

    FAR Aug 2012 79
    AUD Oct 2012 84
    REG Aug 2013 87
    BEC Jan 2013 80


    Ok! I'm trying to get past the worry part of this exam. I keep thinking that I know this stuff (and for the most part, I kinda feel I have a good handle on most of it) but I just keep thinking that there is one more piece that I need to get, that there might be that one more detail that I need to know. I guess I just have to come to the realization in the fact that I can't know everything – it's almost impossible and that testing is just a statistical draw of questions. Its the mind game part that I don't like. Looking at the posts, I realize that I am not alone in this boat!! Just wish I could get past this last section. First a 71 then a 74. At least I'm moving in the right direction.

    Think I'll get a glass of wine. 🙂

    FAR Aug 2012 79
    AUD Oct 2012 84
    REG Aug 2013 87
    BEC Jan 2013 80


    @Heidi-O – you DO know this stuff! Just look at your posts–YOU should be teaching a REG review course!

    But hey, I've never been one to discourage a little nip of the ol' grape juice… purely for medicinary purposes, of course. 😉


    @Heidi-O – you DO know this stuff! Just look at your posts–YOU should be teaching a REG review course!

    But hey, I've never been one to discourage a little nip of the ol' grape juice… purely for medicinary purposes, of course. 😉


    Hey guys, I took two sets of 72 questions each from 1-4 and made in the mid-80s on both. I feel a lot better about this material, but is it weird that it makes me feel worse about FAR? I did NOT feel this confident about FAR and I thought REG was the one that would be the worst for me. So now I feel like I definitely failed FAR and I'll have to take it again. Is that normal? GAWD

    BEC - 83
    FAR - 83
    REG - 74, 78
    AUD - 76

    Becker Self Study

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