REG Study Group January/February 2013 - Page 16

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    I am not quite there yet, but did anyone have the same problem as ‘mypetmeatball' regarding the research question? Any insight on helping ‘mypetmeatball' as to what's going on?

    @ mypetmeatball

    Did you contact Becker on this issue? It would be interesting to hear what they have to say. I had an issue with the software for FAR as I was not able to delete an entry once I added the account in there. I was freaking out as I was thinking…'what if I want to change the account as I discover it's not correct?' I checked with them and it was a software issue. Sure enough…at the exam I was able to delete and add different accounts according to my desire…So…at this point, if you know you had the correct answer, go forward with courage!!!


    Is there a way to grade the Becker sims within each chapter? I found the solution and checked myself, but I see some people listing % on here.


    I think the % come from doing the final exam practice.

    I downloaded the Wiley test bank for REG and do not think the wording of the questions matches the actual test very well. I took the exam back in November and the questions were much closer to the wording in Becker.

    The Wiley questions are definetly good but not if you're still learning the material. The shortcut to passing is probably memorzing Becker questions.


    I think the Wiley book is very closely worded to the questions on the exam. The Wiley test bank wording is different- I agree!

    I've been studying with the book now even though the Test Bank is easier to (in bed, or on the couch watching tv, etc) I still do all the questions though on the test bank.

    AUD: 84
    REG: 84
    BEC: 79
    FAR: 83


    There are a lot of things in the Wiley test bank that Becker never covered and it's really bugging me out


    i just started studying for REG taking it FEB 26. enough time?

    REG - 76
    BEC - 76
    AUD - 93
    FAR - 71, 68,69, 70, retake 7/19/16


    Definitely – I began studying Dec 3 or so (was going to take it Jan 5, but moved it to the 15th) and with the holidays, I wasn't studying everyday until Jan 2. I think you will be fine!

    AUD: 84
    REG: 84
    BEC: 79
    FAR: 83


    how did you do on FAR? There's just so much information. UGH. Any suggestions on how to study for REG? Thanks!

    REG - 76
    BEC - 76
    AUD - 93
    FAR - 71, 68,69, 70, retake 7/19/16


    Didn't pass, was close. I wasn't taking it seriously and thought I could get away with going out and keeping my same life – NOPE!

    REG, I am using Roger and he has pre-made study schedules, so I made an Excel spreadsheet and went off his and made my own schedule. I typed up notes in Word as I watched the videos (FAR I highlighted the entire book basically, not useful) I also did a bunch of probs on Wiley test bank, but not for all chapters. Started major studying last Monday doing one section at a time fully (there are 6 for Roger), doing all MCQs in Wiley book as well. I'll finish tomorrow with Corporate/Partnership Tax and continue doing as many testbank MCQ as possible.

    Sorry if this is a bit jumbled, had a 15 hour day today :X

    AUD: 84
    REG: 84
    BEC: 79
    FAR: 83



    I'm doing Becker. I just started and it's alright. Do you suggest getting Wiley test bank? Where can I get them? SO MUCH INFO ugh.


    REG - 76
    BEC - 76
    AUD - 93
    FAR - 71, 68,69, 70, retake 7/19/16


    I just returned from taking REG. Every topic was equally covered. It's scary how much material you have to know. I wished I had spent more time evenly studying between Tax and BLaw.

    I reccomend studying using the MCQ from Becker. The Becker style of questions was very similar to the test. Good luck!


    @m1 – yeah, I recommend it. It's nice for when you're just hanging around watching tv/in bed and can practice with instant, easy feedback instead of a huge book and turning pages.

    @apple kinda good to hear – I studied biz law/tax equally it seems and was regretting spend so much time on biz law til now. Now I am losing my mind – are the Becker questions from the Wiley book or do they have their own?

    AUD: 84
    REG: 84
    BEC: 79
    FAR: 83


    I feel so unprepared…it's PANIC TIMME

    Wiley totally destroyed my confidence…screw you Wiley sims


    @samdieog – I don't know what the questions look like in the Wiley book. I only tried the Wiley online test bank. The online test bank was way different and a lot harder. If you were a master of the material, Wiley would probably be the icing on the cake. But if you just want to pass, it's probably overkill.


    The Wiley TB licenses its questions from the AICPA … they are previous exam questions.

    It's a solid (and affordable) study product and lots of people here use it.

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