REG- Simulation Question

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  • #177446

    I understand that there are 6 task-based simulations in the REG exam, but had a quick question. I’m studying with Becker and some chapters have more than one simulation, but each simulation contains several different problems. Is the exam similar to this? Are there 6 simulations containing multiple problems, or is it simply 6 simulations that are each one problem? Thanks, 19 days until the test!

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  • #412095

    I haven't taken REG, yet, but the other tests are pretty similar to the simulations in Becker. Some of them seemed to be Becker “ish” on steroids, though. In fact, the final one on the financial exam pretty much made me feel like a rock star for finishing it in the last 3 minutes of the exam countdown. Of course, I am a rock star in my own mind, since I can't tell anyone what it was.


    There are just 6 “tabs” in total, with one problem set in each. Those are the 6 simulations.


    Just got home from taking REG. Two of my sims were f'ing REDICULOUS.

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