Reg Sims – tax schedule questions

  • Creator
  • #184570

    Hello everyone,

    I’ve been cranking out a lot of MC and sims lately in preparation for my Reg exam in a week, I just am wondering if the sims that they give on the exam which require you to fill out tax schedules give you labels for the lines to fill out.

    For example in one sim I was asked to fill out a Section A of the Form 1040, Schedule SE, but the only row labels I got for the question was 1, 1a, 2, 3…. etc. and I was expected to fill out the $ amounts next to them corresponding to the numbers with no other info given. Are they expecting us to memorize the schedules and the layouts ? Any help/insight would be great !!! Thanks 🙂

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  • Author
  • #539877

    I wouldn't worry with memorizing tax forms. Just make sure you know what goes on each one. Practice with them but don't try to commit them to memory.


    I wouldn't worry with memorizing tax forms. Just make sure you know what goes on each one. Practice with them but don't try to commit them to memory.

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