REG – Score Report is INFURIATING

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  • #194713

    I got my score report for my failing REG score of 70.

    Federal Taxation Process – Stronger

    Taxation of Entities – Stronger

    Property Taxation – Comparable

    Individual Taxation – Comparable

    Professional Responsibilities and Ethics – Comparable

    Business Law – WEAKER

    Sims – WEAKER

    Basically, my worst nightmare came true. I did not study business law at all and I experienced the wrath of the REG SIMS. Based on my score report I’m under the impression I got 0 business law questions right and 0% on the SIMS. Which, going in to the exam I thought would be the only way I would fail.

    I’m confident I can close the business law gap by actually studying the material. But, how on earth do I close the simulation gap??? My sims were UNREAL! I couldn’t even get the research questions right they were so ridiculous.

    FAR - 70, 81
    AUD - 83
    BEC - 77
    REG - 70, 78

    Licensed in Ohio.

    Now what the hell do I do?

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  • #672068

    I'd pay no attention to that. Just b/c you were stronger doesn't mean you were strong. And just b/c you were weaker doesn't mean you were weak.

    ie: Your “stronger” could be against people who bombed those sections and you did better than them.

    Weaker could be against people who killed those sections and you just did worse, but still good.

    BEC - 77, 03/2015 (first try)
    FAR - 79, 05/2015 (second try)
    REG - 83, 12/2015 (first try)
    AUD - 84, 03/2015 (first try)

    I got 99 problems but the CPA ain't one.


    @euro – exactly.

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    The score reports aren't worth the paper they are printed on. I would file the score report away and start studying again like you haven't taken the test before. Your next test will contain different questions making this score report worthless.


    I spent a lot less time on law and focused more on tax on my first REG attempt. I increased my law focus on my retake and nailed it. Definitely felt like there was more law than I had anticipated – on both of my REG tests.


    I guess I don't understand why you're infuriated when you didn't study all the material. Business Law is still 20% of the exam, so there goes 20 relatively easy points.

    As for the sims, that is the difference between recall memory and actually being able to apply the material. One can get through the MCQ through the process of elimination. Additionally, on the SIMs you'll at least get some points by filling in the blanks, which is helpful.

    I personally think those score reports are garbage. I've seen a few threads on here where individuals have different score reports between two or three exams. At the end of the day, you're going to need to review it all to be successful. I'm not trying to hammer on you, but if you prepare to get a 75, you're going to get in that ball-park (which can mean failing). If you prepare to score a 90, you'll get in that ball-park. It's a test of endurance, not necessarily intelligence.

    FAR - 90 ✔
    BEC - 86 ✔
    REG - 82 ✔
    AUD - 92 ✔
    ETHICS - Passed

    *Licensed CPA


    When I look at my score report, comparable means I scored between 75-80 so I'm assuming stronger would mean 81-99. The SIMS could have killed you too, not necessarily biz law. Good luck on your next go around!


    Wow with those trends in each section they are crazy to not pass you.

    I studied for REG 4 weeks (a lot of time watching video and not doing problems) and I got a 66 while trending weaker in all areas. Only Individual Taxation was stronger trending for me.

    It's crazy there is only a 4 point spread when all of your trends were good and all but one of mine were bad.

    I think the SIMS are just the luck of the draw. I nailed my research SIMS, did reasonably well on the others, and bombed only 1. The lack of consistency in what shows up from one time to another is a challenge. To pass AUD I quit studies with SIMS and just MCQ'd until my eyes hurt. I'll do the same with REG; consider it for your prep too.

    BEC 11/29/14 77 (Roger)
    AUD 2/23/15 60 (Roger) 4/13/2015 83 (Roger & Ninja MCQ)
    REG 5/30/2015 66 (Roger & Ninja MCQ(7 hours only)) 8/23/2015 78 (Roger & Ninja MCQ)
    FAR 11/23/2015 60 (Roger & NINJA MCQ) 2/24/2016 74 (Roger & NINJA MCQ) 5/25/2016 83 (Roger+Roger CRAM & NINJA MCQ/NOTES)
    Texas Ethics Exam 92%

    Licensed TX CPA Aug 2016


    I used the IRC/authoritative literature heavily for the SIMs for all 3 sections. Could not have done it with some point of reference there, but you do need to allow a lot of time if you're using that. I heard not everyone does this. I thought it was crazy people wouldn't use the materials when they are available.


    To add to Euroaddict's point, you could have been stronger on a subject that only constituted 5 points on the exam. Blaw accounts for approximately 40% (if you include the legal/ professional accountability sections) of the exam, technically you cannot pass without having, at least, the gest on the Blaw material.


    For what it's worth, I scored Stronger on Blaw and individual tax. Comparable on the other 3 and Weaker on taxation of entities (18-24% of the exam)

    The difference is that I scored Stronger on Sims and ended up with an 83.

    So, you could definitely score “weaker” on a 18-20% section and still come out passing. Unfortunately, sims brought you down.


    REG is my next exam, the only constant thing I hear is how terrible the SIMs are, really not looking forward to that. I had a very similar result for my first attempt at FAR, I realize that I understudied, HOWEVER, had I gotten the same SIMs from my first FAR attempt on my second attempt I have a strong feeling I would have still struggled to pass. With such broad subjects I personally feel as if luck plays a large role on these exams, specifically in your SIM draw but also in your MCQs.

    Determined CPA

    I think when you walk through the prometric doors, the exam gets an instant report on your weak areas and tests you on them. Then after you study those areas, the report changes and you never see those topics again.

    A - 75
    B - 78 God is good.
    F - 77 Answered prayers.
    R - 84! Done!!

    Paperwork sent - waiting for license!!
    Still on a cloud and in shock. Through God, all things will happen.


    @Determined – so that's what the fingerprint analysis is for…


    my 1st time taking REG, my SIMs were near impossible, if I had the same Sims the 2nd time i took the test I probably would've failed. Truly the luck of the draw sometimes

    REG 68,87
    BEC 85
    FAR 75
    AUD 64,64, 86!


    Yeah you should have studied Business Law, or at least some of it. It's not EASY points but it's straight forward for the most part and is probably better to get than a weird tax question you don't recognize.

    AUD - 08/04/14 - 83
    FAR - 11/29/14 - 80
    REG - 02/26/15 - 89
    BEC - 05/30/15 - 86


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