REG Score 33

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  • #198945

    I took regulation in the last quater. I secured 33 in Regulation . I still can’t believe the score. I was trending 60-70 in wiley test bank.It is hard to digest this score. I did the material twice along with wiley book questions.

    Kindly give me detail strategy to nail this section.

    AUD-42,52, 1/2016

    REG-33, TBS

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  • #751553

    I also just got a 44 on REG. I didn't feel lost while studying with Becker but I guess I didn't even come close to mastering the concepts. If anyone could speak about their study strategies for REG that would be awesome. Looking to retake it beginning of January before busy season starts.

    BEC - 81
    AUD - 66
    REG - 44 (what? ... Help)


    Scores of 42, 52 and a 33 sounds like there a deeper issue here. Might be a language barrier? You need to understand the concepts, inside and out. If you don't, do not move on to the next chapter. Ever.

    Licensed Florida CPA:
    B: 71, 73, 79
    A: 83
    R: 78 (expired), 77
    F: 74, 74, 80

    It's finally freaking over.


    I know I'm in the minority, but for me ,it came down to understanding the business law chapters. There are only so many ways to ask tax related questions, but a plethora of sneaky ways to word the business law questions. I believe that's what got me over the hump. Also, understanding how the IRC is set up helped me during Sims.

    In the end, know your weak areas and ATTACK them.

    CPA, CFE
    CISA- Experience will be completed by August 2016


    I scored a 71. I used Becker went through the material once. During my 1.5 week review phase I went back and did all of chapter 1-4 homework and SIMS again. I marked the one's that were challenging or I thought would be helpful to review again. I also did a lot of NINJA MCQ.

    My weakness was absolutely the SIMS. I wish I had some more time to practice SIMS but I can't do anything about that but work harder this time around. I scored “weaker” in BLaw which didn't surprise me cause I didn't get to review it again.

    BEC 78 08/2015
    REG 71 11/2015, RETAKE 83 01/2016
    FAR 75! 5/2016
    AUD ? 8/2016

    Becker with Nonstop NINJA MCQ
    Google most difficult professional exam


    In my opinion you can't really practice sims…it just comes down to knowing the principles well enough to be able to apply it to any sim they might throw at you. I personally didn't think the becker sims were very helpful.

    AUD: 62 [2/27/15], 87 [5/29/15]
    REG: 76 [5/1/15]
    BEC: 86 [7/20/15]
    FAR: 76 [8/28/15]


    Becker self-study, Illinois candidate


    It looks like you have a problem in your study method. have you use any review class? how many question you tried in Wiley before the test?

    REG 90
    FAR 95
    AUD 98
    BEC 84


    I am with Gabe. I had to dig a lot deeper in the business law portion of this exam to pass. The tax portion can be challenging but the law side represents a huge portion of the exam.

    Aside from that, how many hours are you studying? I tended to pass each exam by going in 5 week bursts. 120-150 hours was my average time for each exam.



    I agree with you. In REG exam, the best approach to me to practice simulations is to print out the tax return forms from IRS website. Try to fill them in with some imaginary numbers and see if everything make sense.

    REG 90
    FAR 95
    AUD 98
    BEC 84

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