Reg retake

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  • #846504

    Hi everyone

    I have reg scheduled for next tuesday and i have about a week of review left. I got a 73 my first time and i was weaker on my entity taxation as well as property taxation. I didnt practice much mcqs on those areas. I went through all of my becker tax hw and flash cards of the tax hw for the second time over late last weeek and the weekend. Scored around avg of 90 to 98 on the hw. i am now beginning to review ethics and business law. I really want to go in on my weak areas (but i’m afraid ill forget the differences between the entities. I dont want to loose focus on tax). Should i bother doing mcq for b law again? I scored strong on b law my first test by a light review of it) I was thinking of just rewriting my notes for b law while continuing to review tax. Any suggestions on how i can solidify both while not sacrificing? I really dont want to take this horrific test again.

    FAR (5/31) PASS (Best birthday gift ever!)

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  • #846516

    I would go through everything again. You many have tested better in those areas on that test but your retake is going to be a different test where everything is fair game.

    REG-74, 76

    Substantive Testing

    I recommend you to not review business law and ethics, just do a mix of mcqs to test what you already know, and focus on doing just entity taxation and property transactions as much as you can. Get good at those 2 topics and retake the test as soon as you can. How well did you score on Sims? I believe that if you score stronger in entities and transactions, chances are you are going to score stronger on sims too which carries you to a passing grade.


    I was comparable on sims. I was weaker on mcq. I attribute that to not practicing many property and entity mcqs during my final review.never really revisited ch 3 and 4..big mistake. Everything else like individuals that i repeatedly reviewed i was strong on. So u wouldn't reccomended doing mcqs for b law? I still want to study b law but i would much prefer to focus my main practice multiple choice for the tax

    I scheduled reg for the 4th of October

    FAR (5/31) PASS (Best birthday gift ever!)


    Oh and i went through the entire program like it was brand new for my retake. This is about the final review of b law. I completed the b law hw as i was going through the lectures and took notes. Should i just rewrite my notes for the ethics and b law instead of spending hours doing mcqs on those areas since my time is limited and i wish to perfect the tax (esp in areas i scored weaker in like before)

    FAR (5/31) PASS (Best birthday gift ever!)


    On my re-take, I skipped biz law altogether. Didn't even study it. Probably wouldn't advise that but I still passed as I saw maybe five total biz law mcq's on the whole exam. I did do every single multiple choice on tax that Roger CPA had so there is that. I only had about 4 weeks to re-study, so I just cut my losses with the biz law and decided to roll the dice. At this point with a week a left, I'd say focus on tax mcq as you will no doubt see more of those on the three testlets. Good luck!!


    Thanks for the advice. Will still rewrite b law notes but will also make sure to keep doing mcqs for the tax.

    FAR (5/31) PASS (Best birthday gift ever!)

    Substantive Testing

    @nali474, from what you mentioned, it seems like you are redoing what you already did on the first take as if it were new materials. I would have recommended you to purchase a supplementary mcq just to see more variety of questions, but I am not sure if you would spend that amount of money to review just one week. For every retake, I purchased a test bank and did them all correct (around 2300 attempts) in 2 weeks before the test.

    Substantive Testing

    Actually now that I think of, If I were in your position, I would buy an affordable test bank, maybe Ninja MCQ which is 49 bucks, and do about 1000, and benchmark whether I would need more time (Reschedule) or I am ready to kill it.


    i wouldn't listen to people who tell you to skip biz law. i felt awesome about biz law going into my exam, and i swear i saw more biz law than anything else…completely random questions… every exam is different. if you're just skimming or doing sets of questions that have ALL questions included at least, don't ignore a topic.

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