Reg Retake

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  • #203046

    I got a 71 on Reg this morning and I am almost positive it was because of the sims and not finishing. I plan to retake in 3-4 weeks. Should I focus mostly on everything but the business law? How does everyone restudy for an exam? Watching the lectures and doing MCQ’s nonstop is apparently not working for me.

    For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
    Philippians 4:13

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  • #782986

    I've been hammering out NINJA MCQs, Practice exams, Becker practice exams and MCQs, re-reading some of the Becker chapters. I do plan on trying to spend at least one full day or two before my retake on just Bus Law but just haven't done it yet. For all my retakes I just kind of go over everything again, and always pick up new things. It is interesting how much more info you pick up even in the areas you thought you were “strong” in.

    FAR - 80
    AUD - 82
    BEC - 80
    REG - 85

    ETHICS - 90
    Application for California license mailed 8/4/2016


    Here's my very detailed strategy with everything you need to know and do, in my opinion. I hope you read it all and use it. I felt like an expert when it came to REG on my second try, and even though I felt shaky about whether or not I passed until today, I ended up with an 87. I got a 65 the first time & that's mostly because I bombed the SIMs, but I scored stronger this time on them. It's really more about knowing the material than practicing the SIMs, but you should obviously still do the SIMs. SIMs were entirely based off of tax, not at all on professional and legal responsibilities or blaw. I didn't watch one lecture for any exam. I like to learn material thru the use of books and MCQs much more than listening to someone lecture in a video. I used only the Wiley Book and Test Bank, which you can buy for REG right now for prob $150 or less on amazon if you purchase the 2015 version, which I just used to pass the exam 11 days ago.

    Ok, so my strategy was to:

    1) Read one chapter, do the MCQs and SIMs in the book right after (I did not pause every few pages and go to the MCQs like the book recommends, I read the entire chapter first then did that), then do the corresponding Wiley Test Bank questions, and then move on to the next chapter.

    2) After that, I would go thru the book a second time, with a better feel for what was more important. I would mark chapters up with what I felt was necessary to know (usuallly 80%-90% of the chapter) and then I'd write notes on the key points. So, I'd re-read the chapter, mark it up, take notes, and finally do all the MCQs and SIMs in the book again, chapter by chapter.

    3) I'd then study my notes for a day or two and then do all of the Wiley Test Bank again in 3 days. I forgot to mention that I'd flag the question in the Test Bank that I felt were more important which amounted to probably around 90% of the MCQs and SIMs in each section.

    4) Finally, I'd study my notes again the night before and morning of the test for a few hours.

    I also performed as well or better on the actual exam than I did on the Wiley Test Bank (as indicated on my signature), which had longer and more detailed questions.

    For REG, specifically, I had 31 pages of notes (more than all 3 other sections combined, but was crucial to my success).
    I also very briefly checked out the IRC from Cornell's University of Law, which can be found at:
    The second test allowed me to use the IRC to my advantage much more than the first one, which is annoying and could've cost me a passing grade the first time around, but whatever, I'm happy now.

    P.S. During each exam I'd write down about 10 MCQs on my problem solving sheets that I felt stuck out and I was unsure of and would use my last 10 or so minutes remembering the questions to study & lookup only for myself, just in case I didn't pass, and I'd remember the SIMs as well. I was literally taking note of this info on my phone as I would walk out of the testing center. Like I said before, however, this was only for my own use. I do believe this helped me out a bit on my retakes, even though the material on the retakes was different. Still, I thoroughly went over all the material again on my 2 retakes.

    Good luck!

    FAR: 74 (8/26/15), 82 (2/23/16) - WTB: 62%, 71%, Study: 150hrs
    REG: 65 (10/9/15), 87 (6/10/16) - WTB: 68%, 87%, Study: 175hrs
    BEC: 79 (11/4/15) - WTB: 74%, Study: 80hrs
    AUD: 91 (4/15/16) - WTB: 80%, Study: 125hrs

    Used only Wiley Textbooks & Test Bank


    Mike! Thank you so much for the detailed review! I will definitely give your methods a shot. You recommend 200 hours that would equate to about 7 hours a day..I work full time and ideally have a goal to sit for the exam end of July. Do you think that is doable or should I push it out? I have about 10 months to now pass REG, AUD, and FAR before BEC expires. I did pass BEC last November which was quite a while ago though.

    For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
    Philippians 4:13


    I'm glad to lend advice to help a fellow examinee like yourself, since I know how difficult this test can be. I studied for REG probably 120ish hours the first time around & probably 150hrs at most the second time. I knew a lot, obviously, the second time around since I had put the hours in before, but didn't write any notes or review the book as in depth. Since you've already done REG and got a 71, you don't need to do a full 200hrs, that's just a rough estimate on what I think someone who's never take the test should dedicate to REG on the first try. I think 150hrs max is enough if you truly use my method to get you over the hump. A good schedule to aim for would be REG: August 20, AUD October 10, FAR: November 30, with like 3-5 days break in-between. So that's about 6 weeks of study time at 3 to 3.5hrs a day on average, which is realistic, won't wear you out, and should have you sufficiently prepared. I passed BEC in November too but then got lazy and took a 2 month break before I resumed my studies with FAR for the retake.

    I'm debating whether or not to type out my handwritten notes and post online for the public, because they're honestly enough to pass the exam alone, I believe…. but it would take forever and I would like to make money, which isn't realistic since I copied copyrighted material lol

    FAR: 74 (8/26/15), 82 (2/23/16) - WTB: 62%, 71%, Study: 150hrs
    REG: 65 (10/9/15), 87 (6/10/16) - WTB: 68%, 87%, Study: 175hrs
    BEC: 79 (11/4/15) - WTB: 74%, Study: 80hrs
    AUD: 91 (4/15/16) - WTB: 80%, Study: 125hrs

    Used only Wiley Textbooks & Test Bank


    Hey thanks! You totally should type your notes!! I will do what I can in the time available. Honestly, I felt like I could have passed if I was able to finish the exam. I only got to about 2.5 out of the 6 sims 🙁

    For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
    Philippians 4:13

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