REG Question

  • Creator
  • #2169826

    Wingate Corporation had the following income and expenses for 2018:
    Income from operations $70,000
    Dividend income (from less-than-20%-owned domestic corporations) $45,000
    Expenses of operation $90,000
    2017 net operating loss carryover $5,000
    What is Wingate Corporation’s taxable income for 2018?

    Gleim has the answer of taxable income (NOL) of $(2,500). How did they come up with a NOL? Shouldn’t it be zero?

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  • Author
  • #2169982

    Here is how I am getting a NOL of $2,500

    70,000 Income
    +45,000 Dividend Income
    -90,000 Expense
    -22,500 DRD (50% of the dividend income since less than 20%)
    – 5,000 2017 NOL Carryover
    = -2,500

    I think because the DRD creates a NOL, you can take the full amount, giving you a NOL of $2,500.

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