REG Phase Outs, Deductions, Other Credits

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  • #1878889

    Firstly, do I really need to know the amounts for phase outs? Seems to be a lot of arbitrary memorization that would be super annoying. Secondly, does anyone have a comprehensive deductions resource? Thinking like a master list of all phase out amounts and other factors that reduce deductions or taxable income, all in one place.

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  • #1879018

    From my experience, and from what I generally see on here, I wouldn’t get too hung up on memorizing phase outs. Becker basically tells you not to worry about them actually. However, I would make a point to know the Mom & Pop exception, IRA rules, and some of the emphasized credits, such as the Kiddie Tax. I stressed a lot about credit amounts and calculations, and I ended up not having any on my test, but you never know what they might throw at you :/


    I agree with above. Understand the basics, but it's safe to assume that the specific numbers will be given in problems where it's relevant, based on my experience.

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