REG OCT/NOV Wave 2 - Page 2

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  • #156856

    Took REG today 11.14.09, wondering what the wave 2 predictions are?

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  • #210310


    I feel the same way. The M.C. weren't bad and didn't seem to get any harder, though there were a few I didn't know the answer to. I had all fill-in-the-blanks on my simulations this time… no selection types at all… The sims were brutal. I am just hoping that I did well enough on the sims to pass as this is also my last section I have left to pass. It's also my 4th time taking it and I want to move on with my life.



    Believe me, I am feeling exactly the same way. I want to move on with my life also. Best of Luck!


    First time poster here. I took REG on Nov 23, so I'm in wave 2 with you guys. This was my most frustrating exam. Before the exam, I spent time updating myself on the latest tax changes; therefore, serious doubt was cast on one of my MCQs, as I didn't know if it expected me to answer using recent changes or not. In addition, I killed a lot of time trying to understand how I was supposed to answer one of the simulation tabs, since the instructions weren't clear. My time management for REG ended up being different (below) than Jeff's outline here:

    Testlet 1: 30 minutes

    Testlet 2: 31 minutes

    >Break 3 min<

    Testlet 3: 43 minutes

    Simulation 1: 38 minutes

    Simulation 2: 35 minutes

    I wasn't able to finish the exam, as my time expired. However, I am not sure if more time would have improved my score.

    BEC 78

    AUD 84

    REG ??

    FAR in 2010

    BEC 78 - 11/27/2008 | AUD 84 - 08/10/2009
    REG 82 - 11/23/2009 | FAR 84 - 01/19/2010
    -| Passed all sections |-


    I would recommend being even more cognizant of timing when you take FAR. That was the hardest for me time wise. Good Luck!


    Thanks for the tip, gatorj. I'm trying to adamantly study for FAR right now.

    In my Audit exam, I had plenty of time on the simulations to use the research tab to read up on topics I did not know, so I could better answer the other simulation tabs and the written section. However, with Regulation, I did not have enough time to use the research tab in this way and I am not sure what to expect with FAR.

    BEC 78 - 11/27/2008 | AUD 84 - 08/10/2009
    REG 82 - 11/23/2009 | FAR 84 - 01/19/2010
    -| Passed all sections |-


    All I want for christmas is for everyone to get a 75 on the reg test. Oh and world peace would be neat also.

    AUD - 86, FAR - 78, BEC - 79 (but it's been over 18 months), REG - 72 (7/6/2009), 78(10/24/2009)


    Should get scores this week??

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