REG note-taking/study strategy

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  • #1792870

    I’m curious how you all have used notes in your study for Reg. They are normally a really productive tool for me for remembering material, but I’m finding that a lot of Reg is super wordy and hard to express concisely. It’s so slow to write things down that I feel like I’m not getting anywhere and it’s very demoralizing and hard to keep up with my schedule. Any alternative study methods that have worked for you? I guess I could type them instead of writing by hand… I’m just not really sure how to approach this round, cause notes have always worked for me before but now I feel like I’m hitting a wall.

    In need of motivation 🙁

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  • #1792924

    I completely agree that REG is wordy but I still write just about everything down. I also utilize flashcards. I've been making my own flashcards for the topics that I forget or struggle with.


    Try Mind Mapping note taking skill.
    It works for me.
    I didn't write down every words in my note.
    I like to use decision tree diagram or flow chart diagram ( etc..) for my notes.


    I type my notes in MS Word and compartmentalize group of items and buzz words in MS Excel. The group of items in my Excel consists of REG Numbers, REG Age, REG Synonyms, Lesser/Greater, Never Rules, etc. Typing them in Microsoft makes it easy for me go back to and fro using Control/F function.


    Thanks guys, these are good ideas.


    I don't take any notes the book is my notes.


    I will apologize beforehand. I know my question is not topic related and not to take it away from OP. But I see you all have good scores in FAR. What has been your strategy? I am starting to prep for FAR soon. I know everyone learns differently but any tips.

    FAR - August 2016
    AUD - September 2016
    REG - October 2016
    BEC - November 2016

    Remember: "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." - Albert Einstein


    My key for FAR, besides MCQ and sims practice, was to rewrite my notes multiple times. Which is why Reg is making my life hard right now hahah


    I used MS WORD to type my notes. I am a visual learner, so I def. made use of different colors, bullet points, and would use the “Insert Table” option a lot to put my examples.

    When I did my MCQs, I would use the “ctrl + f” a lot to reference back to my notes and do any add-on's for new information that stood out to me from MCQs. This is where Ninja MCQs were so helpful in bringing out those “exception” types of questions.

    FAR: 76
    REG: Currently studying


    I use EBook via iPhone, iPad, and desktop/laptop computers.
    I sell my brand new book at EBay, LOL.

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