Phase-outs & Thresholds: I've only see a couple Review questions where you had to memorize the ceiling for (1) Start-up and Organizational costs, (2) IRA Contributions, and (3) Charitable Contributions; other than that I cannot recall a single question where a phase-out threshold was not provided to you. I highly doubt the Review questions are more demanding than the actual exam will be.
Specific Amounts: I'd recommend knowing the maximum amount related to the most common credits and deductions if you can, but I don't recall anything crazy.
Remember, there is not enough time to have you do a lot of calculations. Instead, they test your knowledge on classification and application of tax items.
I'd recommend making a matrix of the biggest differences relating to Classification and Treatment of the following:
(1) Adjustments vs Itemized Deductions
(2) Ordinary Income/Loss vs Capital G/L
(3) Trusts vs Estates
(4) Individuals vs S-Corps vs C-Corps (including Regular Tax vs AMT)
(5) BASIS, BASIS, and more BASIS
(6) “Insert that thing I'm probably forgetting because I'm too lazy to look through my book”
Other than that, a couple suggestions:
(1) Look at sims if you can, even if you look at the answer immediately and then go through the problem. Explain to yourself “this is why this is (not) included in the answer”.
(2) Review how how to navigate the IRC EFFECTIVELY
(3) Don't smoke crack.
(4) Look at all the answers when reviewing MCQ, especially for strictly conceptual ones, which will allow you to technically answer up to 3 additional situational questions.
(5) Don't procrastinate studying for your own exam tomorrow by writing out long responses to forum posts.