REG in 7 weeks or push back exam? - Page 2

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  • #184337

    I am just wondering, can you prepare well for REG in 7 weeks while working full-time? I am taking REG on 4/25/14, and I was originally using Becker because I already had failed REG twice, but I just found out that I passed BEC with a combination of CPAexcel and the 10-point combo. And I don’t necessarily consider last week to be a waste with Becker, but I have decided go back to using a similar strategy to what I did for BEC so I am a bit behind schedule.

    TLDR: REG in 7 weeks while working full-time doable or push back exam date?

    Here is what I am thinking:

    -First 3 and a half weeks: CPAexcel lectures, textbook, and MCQ

    -after that, try to write all of ninja notes by Sunday of the 4th week, if finish, move on to next item on list

    -do Wiley MCQ and make and review flashcards 5th week, also look at the percentages and go over weak areas in Wiley textbook

    -write ninja notes again 6th week, if finish, move on to next item on list

    -do Wiley MCQ and review flashcards in 7th week

    -In addition, ninja notes and audio in weekend of final 5 weeks

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  • Author
  • #530521

    I only had Becker textbooks so I don't know what the online classes are like. I stayed away from Wiley for REG because the text was very overwhelming; however, I do recommend the MC questions at the end of each chapter,

    I think CPAexcel is pretty solid for REG.

    Audit: 91
    FAR: 87
    REG: 87
    BEC: 86

    7 months, full-time employee, self-study with Becker (All), CPA excel (REG), Wiley textbook (FAR) and testbank (All)

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