Reg in 4 weeks? - Page 2

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  • #1785805

    Took FAR this past week. Want to take REG on June 9 to get both scores in time for the June score release. I will start studying May me exactly 4 weeks to study. I realize this might be impossible to do with a full time job and having to work till midnight during month end closing.. but let’s say i only read the business law parts, skip business law MCQS (btw using becker so that’d be R6-8) only the taxation chapters (R1-5) and do the mcqs once only for those.. and go in and take the exam and hope for a 75.

    Too optimistic? or..fat chance!!

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  • #1815093

    Sometimes the hail mary attempts pay off.
    If you ego can handle a fail, then I would absolutely try and squeeze as many sections into a testing window as possible.
    The time you can potentially save yourself is worth the gamble.
    I took a chance on AUD, it paid off and I accelerated my last 2 tests to get it done.
    Push it, the juice is worth the squeeze.


    I had a similar experience coming off of BEC, had 4.5 weeks to study for REG, focused on just tax, the ethics section is relatively small but is a big part of the exam, didn't even hit Business Law and passed.

    Also — Recked, I feel like your exeperience with the exams is an outlier, you clearly are scoring in the top 1-5 percentile.. either you're a smart dude, have the free time to just study, or both.. chances are both.


    I would say probably a little bit of both.
    I do have a full time job, but my focus is tax prep, planning and consultation.
    Feb-Apr and Aug-Oct are typically my busiest times. My timing on the exams worked out that the Sept and Oct extended deadlines got in the way of FAR a bit, but other than that I was able to push some work to really focus on the exams. I most certainly made them the #1 priority in my life and made a great deal of sacrifices to keep that goal in mind. I think my years of real world experience helped, as well as a strong work ethic and efficient study methods. One thing is for certain, you don't “find” the time to study, you make the time to study.

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