REG impossible without prior experience?

  • This topic has 15 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #175882

    Does anyone else feel like REG is borderline impossible to master if you have no prior experience in the tax field. With a heavy background in financial accounting, I found that my prior work experience pulled me through passing FAR and AUD. It seems as if you have never worked in the tax field it is impossible for all of the ridiculous details to stick.

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  • #393734

    Sadly, I agree. I have no tax experience or education and am feeling helpless and hopeless on REG.


    Sorry, but I have to disagree. Other than a corporate tax class during college and filing my own taxes I have no tax experience.

    I scored an 81 in July.


    Each sector of employment offers an advantage on a section of the exam:

    Tax – REG

    Public – AUD

    Internal – BEC

    But that doesn't make the other sections impossible. The whole point is to prove our competence in the profession as a whole. We aren't expected to be experts on any section, that comes with experience.

    FAR - 79 - 07/2012
    AUD - 65, 78 - 11/2012
    BEC - 76 - 11/2012
    REG - 78 - 01/2013
    ETH - 98 - 01/2013

    Material: Wiley books


    I only feel that way on the REG simulations…

    Like Olinto said, just got to keep beating those info into your head and you will be amazed how much info you can remember. But seriously, why the heck do i need to know how to negotiate a check? and all those Corp structures, they used to be on BEC… its not like we don't have enough info to study for already…

    FAR 73, 75*, 79! n DONE!
    BEC 72, 75
    AUD 64, 75
    REG 43, 74, 72, 70, 88!

    HELLO 300 CLUB! 6/8/13


    If you are talking about real life experience, then no, it isn't necessary. CPA materials will teach you all you need to know for any section. I feel like when you have these thoughts in you mind, you're only making it worse for yourself. It may be a bit harder with no experience, but that just means that you put in that extra time. There are a lot of things to remember for REG, but repetition is key.

    My buddy, who was not born in the U.S. and received his degree in his country in Management, passed REG and FAR with no problem. The topics were hard for him since he had very limited accounting and tax classes, but he put in that extra effort reading the materials and practicing the problems.


    I think it is doable. I got my degree in the Philippines ( Asia), qualified to take the CPA exam and passed 3 sections. I live here ( U.S.A.) for barely 4 years and a U.S. citizen but I don't have experience in audit and taxes. I am also working full time and have a 20 months old baby.

    It will just need self discipline to conquer the beast! Good Luck!

    FAR 04/21/2012 - Passed
    AUD 07/28/2012 - Passed
    BEC 10/20/2012 - Passed
    REG 2/28/13 - Horrible exam ever! - Passed
    I'M DONE!!!!!!!!!!!


    I had ZERO tax experience and passed REG on the first try. Experience will make it easier, but it can be done with usual hard work.

    REG 8/31/12 Passed: 80
    FAR 1/10/13 Passed: 82
    BEC 4/4/13 Passed: 77
    AUD 5/28/13 Failed: 71 WTF?????
    AUD 7/11/13 Passed: 81
    ETHICS Passed: 93



    No I only had sales tax and my own 1040 as experience and I passed. YAEGER worked For me



    + Took Fed Tax Class

    + Do my own taxes

    – Never took bus. law

    + Ninja Notes

    + Wiley Test Banks

    76 😀

    Ninja + Wiley Test Bank: [FAR - 81] [REG - 76] [BEC - 88] [AUD - 73](doh!)

    Becker Videos: [AUD - 82]

    California CPA


    I got no experience when I studied for REG… it is possible: just Practise Practise and Practise…


    I have to disagree with that statement. I passed with a 79 and the only tax experience I have is from one introductory tax course in college and preparation of my own taxes. I just studied what I needed to in the book and went through multiple choice questions several times.

    One thing you need to keep in mind is that tax is only about 65% of the exam and the rest is business law, ethics, and legal responsibility. Experience is always a plus, but the entire CPA exam is passable with zero professional experience.


    It is not really impossible. For someone who has no prior experience, he will just need extra time to study. I had no prior experience with audit, but I got a 93 on my first try.



    I have no prior experience in tax and was able to pass REG with an 84 after three tries. So, no it's not impossible. Hard? Yes. Impossible? No.


    Taking it tomorrow… let's beat the impossible!!!

    FAR 73, 75*, 79! n DONE!
    BEC 72, 75
    AUD 64, 75
    REG 43, 74, 72, 70, 88!

    HELLO 300 CLUB! 6/8/13


    My coworker killed it (96), and we do State government auditing. Its very possible, but you have to put in the extra effort.

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