Reg Final Review… Help

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  • #2771982

    Hello all, I’m currently studying for Regulation i have it scheduled for 11/11. So far for my final review I’ve done about 150-180 questions and am scoring in the 50-60’s on my MCQ. My question is would i be better off skimming through the book in it’s entirety and refreshing myself for two days before burning out on questions again? or should i just continue to do more questions and take the mock exams right away?

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  • #2773704

    Are there trends to what you're missing? I'd maybe try and bridge the gap a bit on what you're missing before doing full practice exams.

    In the week or two leading up to REG, I had to do deep dives on Security Interests, Title/Risk of Loss, and Bankruptcy. I was missing most of the MCQs on them. For these, I did revisit the textbook/lectures but it was obviously very targeted. I personally don't think aimlessly going thru the book would be of much value.


    @PC It's hard to tell, i did about 200 mcq's and averaged about 60% per chapter so it's hard to tell. I printed out the outlines for each chapter & plan on going through them this weekend before i do another 100 mcq's. I plan on doing mcq's and tbs next weekend and closing out with a mock exam next Friday and review my notes until my exam date 11/11. Any tips? I feel very indecisive at this point and i just wanna ensure i get the most out of studying for this last week.


    Agree that you'll want to make the most of the remaining days, but I think that has to include targeted review. You may be averaging 60%, but interspersed I'm sure some chapter scores are lower than others. Can you isolate the chapters you are getting the lowest scores on and review the specific topics that are giving you trouble? Depending on which review provider you are using, you may be able to filter the MCQtest bank” for the chapters you are getting the lowest scores on.

    It's just one person's opinion, but I do think digging a little deeper into your results to isolate specific topics that are troublesome is a better use of time than reviewing topics you may already have a sufficient grasp of. Best of luck.


    I did a ton of MCQs and religiously outlined the book from the lectures. I will say I got a 52% on the only full simulated exam I took and passed REG with a 78. My advice is to do a bunch of simulated exams with only 20-30 MCQs. These are better than doing the regular MCQs that are within the chapters because they don't tell you right or wrong until you finish them all so it'll give you a better idea of where you really are. For REG I didnt even crack open the final review book from Becker or seriously look at the flash cards but I did a ton of MCQs. I would say I studied 130-150 hrs, I also have a terrible memory for things I dont care about. I thought I totally bombed REG, but passed first try.


    @PC yeah that actually works, i just flooded myself with Mcq's & reviewed the sections where my scores were trending lower, i think I'll use that going forward just in smaller segments like 203- Mcq's oppose to 50 as @Vanquished said. just read your response been studying. I think I'm a take your advice because i just did over 100 mcq's but when i slowed down & did the tbs over as a practice test, i found it informative as i reviewed whatever was wrong & it helped me understand in dept of the chapter that the Tbs was based from. Any other tips moving forward? This is my first time taking Reg & i plan on taking a mock exam friday. Wish me luck!

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