REG Exam tips and tricks?

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  • #1501794

    Does anyone have any tips and tricks while taking REG? Maybe certain ways to use the AL during sims in order to find answers? Anything like that?

    BEC- August 31

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  • #1501800

    keep on pace, don't get discouraged, don't over analyze your performance afterwards. i would wait to use the authoritative literature until you've completed all the sims. use as a final check. i felt very uncomfortable coming out and ended up with my best score yet.


    I agree with taayllorr. You can get lost in the AL searching for answers and end up wasting a lot of time. I'd try and leave yourself 90 minutes for the sims in order to give yourself time to check your answers. Get familiar with the AL and where things are located. Both times I took REG, my research questions wouldn't come up in any searches I tried and I'd have to manually look for them, which takes a while. Never had a problem finding them for FAR or AUD, but I'm probably 0 for 2 for REG.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    @re2pect @taayllorr My only experience with AL is basically just straight up searching using advanced search. Any recommendation on how to manually search, like you said you've done Re2pect? How to learn the AL and where to find things? Good tip though, I'll try to just use it as a check on sims if necessary and time permits

    BEC- August 31

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