REG Exam Time Limit

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  • #2898666

    Did the REG time limit change recently? I could’ve sworn it used to be 4 hours. I just checked Prometric and saw the exam length is 4.5 hours. I’m taking the exam 2/29/20. Just curious!

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  • Author
  • #2898765

    It's a 4 hour test. I'm not entirely sure why they say 4.5 hours. You do get a 15 minute break that doesn't count against your clock. and perhaps a 15 minute buffer in there in case you arrive late or get processed late? Regardless, 4 hour exam. Good luck!

    Using Becker self-study
    FAR: (82) 175 hours - 1st attempt
    BEC: (XX)
    AUD: (69) 45hrs of study - 1st attempt
    REG: (XX)

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