REG Exam taken – post test downers - Page 2

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    I just finished taking the REG section. I feel like crap. On the bright side, the 1st testlet didn’t come off as horrible. The 2nd one made me want to slash my wrists in the testing center. The 3rd one was almost as rough. I know this usually indicates I was doing well but still…..ugh! I found most of the questions to be ‘feast or famine’ type. I either knew the answer easily or had no clue. There wasn’t alot of working through the problem.

    To make things all the more enjoyable, I start the Becker BEC classes on Wednesday. I came home after the test and read the material for that class. The amusing thing is I found one of the answers that made me scratch my head from the REG test there (that should be vague enough to not invoke any disclosure issues right?)

    All in I felt worn out after the AUD test but not horrible. Not great, but not horrible. I feel less worn out on this one but more like crap. Given the difficulty on the 2nd and 3rd testlets I feel good about my performance. I won’t say I think I barely passed like I felt with AUD (given that I got a 94 when I felt I barely made it). I will simply say that if I didn’t get it I will be close (70-74). No one I know will listen to me. They all just say “you’re smart I’m sure you did great” or “you said that about the last one and got a 94.” In any event I’ll find out later this month or at the end of March. In the mean time I’ve got 5 BEC classes to get through and a test to take before the end of February so I only get today to sulk.

    On another side note, I am really questioning how smart it is to drive myself home after FAR some time in April. I felt bad enough and was distracted enough given the traffic on the way home that I probably should not have been driving. I know I’ve felt “impaired” in my driving two other times in my life that had nothing to do with alcohol. Has anyone else experienced that level of distraction after taking part of the cpa exam or other items (random discussion point!)?

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  • #218520

    Is this correct? Some of the sims tabs are not graded?



    Hye i felt the same way last year after i gave my REG …I used Becker and had thoughts of getting back to studying with REG right after i was done with the exam but i am glad i did not, coz i got an 86 ….so dont worry …anything can happen…if it makes you feel any better…… i could not even finish the last simulation…i still wonder how i passed ..but maybe at times we think we did bad but then we are wrong ….

    So dont worry enjoy the superbowl…


    Thanks for the encouagement workinghard. Maybe it will work out, just like the Superbowl Saints!! Who Dat! Who Dat!


    Lee-IN and other posters,

    I took my REG exam today, and I actually felt that the questions were very straight forward, did not have major calculations such as like the ones I studied for in the becker homework. I am very worried and stress thinking that I did not do well because of that. Did anybody felt that same way after the test and still pass it…

    I have been preparing for this test since January 3 with 30 hours per week and around 50-60 hours on the last week. I follow the Becker program the way they say to do, I actually did all the MC's twice and all simulations. The simulations I got on the actual exam were pretty straight forward but on the first written communication topic was not very familiar with but I still wrote what I knew. I did not do the research part of either one of the simulation because of the time, I dont know how will affect my score.

    Any replies will be appreciated


    REG 2/12/2010 75
    AUD 5/28/2010 91
    FAR 59/69 7/1/2010 76
    BEC 59 retake 10/7/ Waiting


    rao – i took REG on jan 28th and i felt i did solid on the first testlet but then had a killer on testlet 2 and 3 was kinda difficult as well. the simulations i had were absolutely ridiculous, but the communication portion was fairly easy i thought. i did all the becker as well numerous times, and i did each final review twice. for some reason, i dont know if its just me, but i finished all the practice exams with roughly 40 min remaining. when i took the actual exam i finished with 20 min remaining. i really feel that my result can go either way, because i dont know how anyone can really know that they walked out of any of these exams feeling like the passed or not. i guess we'll see this week sometime what the result is. good luck on your results, i hope this helped.

    BEC: Done
    REG: Done
    AUD: Done
    FAR: Done

    I'M DONE!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    RAO I put in about 30-35 hours per week in January towards REG, so I think we are close in time commitment. I didn't spike at the end like you did, but I did some self-study time in December (35-40 hours). The Becker material had more calculations than what I saw on the exam as well. I felt decent on the MC portions and the Sims were just brutal.


    Oh my….

    I know just this feeling. I took REG today after a month (approx. 20-25 hours/week) of study. The MC did progressively get more difficult (as expected). There were definitely a few curveballs, but I felt they were manageable. The SIMs though – oh my…they were definitely browbeaters. I used up every single second of test time (had about 1H20M headed into them). Was able to complete all aspects of SIM1, all but 2 tabs of SIM2. By far, this was the least confident I felt leaving the testing center of all exams (FAR passed 79; BEC passed 79; AUD waiting, took Jan 25).

    Here's hoping for a set of 4 79s! I'll be ecstatic with that result. 🙂 Now, the waiting game.


    I'll throw my 2 cents in and agree with everyone. I took REG on the 26th and felt decent about the mcq sections. But both of my sims were curve balls. If you take all the Becker notes, homework, and everything else that I had you'd end up with about half a page of information for two sims. Worse yet, seemed like each tab had a question whose answer fed other questions so I felt like I didn't have a chance.

    It sounds like there is at least a chance of passing without doing well on the sims though. I'm glad that other people have felt this way and still passed.


    I just finished REG on Feb. 25. I felt (and still sort of feel) obliterated. I put in about 20 hrs a week through all of January and Feb (40+ hours the 2 weeks prior to sitting) using Becker. Took both practice exams and all sims w/ Becker, but still feel like I did SO poorly. This was my first section and first sit.

    Someone mentioned earlier that the testlets felt progressive in difficulty. I'll second this. I felt awesome about my first testlet. Got up for a drink of water and came back to a mean 2nd MC and a horrific 3rd MC. I feel ok about my sims although I pushed it a little too close on time for my second.

    Good luck to anyone in the same waiting limbo as me and congrats to those who have passed.

    BEC 78 w00t | AUD July | FAR July 9 | REG 85


    Becker over-prepares you a bit. If you can get through the Becker homework and final exams you will be well prepared for the actual exam. Getting the 2nd and 3rd testlets that seem rough is a great sign. It sounds like you all did well.


    I took REG yesterday (rescheduled after finding out extended test time), and was VERY disappointed about the test i got. I felt very confident going in, as I did pretty well in Becker Final exams which in my last experience (from FAR & BEC) are much more difficult than real tests. However, the test i got yesterday was even more difficult with the exception of 1st testlet. By more difficult, i mean there are 20% of stuff NOT covered in becker book at all. My 2nd simulation has 3 tabs plus written plus research. Becker only has 1 sentence (yes, 1 sentence) referring the first tab, nothing for 2nd tab. And i had to research the 3rd tab to find out what it was asking. So, overall, i am very disappointed. I am keeping all my books as i am totally prepared to retake it in May after my AUD.

    good luck to everyone else. i hope we will find out out score in a couple of weeks, whatever it might be.

    FAR 86 (11/21/09), BEC 88 (1/06/10), REG 90 (3/7/10), AUD 93 (5/9/10) I am done!!!


    If you got hammered on both the 2nd and 3rd testlets that means you did well on the 1st and 2nd for sure. If you did well on the 2nd then you probably did similar on the 3rd. If you do good on the MC then you can almost dance your way to a 75 after that. Hold out hope. I felt like I got beat up in the REG test and felt like I did crap on the simulations and came out with a 97.

    on a side note, I can't believe this thread I started ages ago is still around. woot!


    Dale – Congrats on that 97 and thanks for your insight. I was pretty bummed when I came out on Saturday. I guess we just never know and we'll just have to wait for the scores to come out.

    BEC - 83 (7/09),FAR - 80 (11/09), AUD - 84 (1/10), REG -82 (3/10)


    Oh wow, and it is your last section? Take some time to ponder what you've done over the past 8 months and relax. You know this test likes to play mind games with you.


    Dale – yes is is my last section. I really felt like walking out though after the 3 MC testlets. Of course I talked myself “down off that ledge” and completed the exam. Felt OK about the SIMS but who knows if all the calcs were correct. Took me a couple of days to mentally and emotionally recover but I think I'm better now and will wait PATIENTLY for the scores and see if it was truly my last test or not.

    Good luck on the FAR when you take it in April!

    BEC - 83 (7/09),FAR - 80 (11/09), AUD - 84 (1/10), REG -82 (3/10)

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