REG – Do order of chapters matter?

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  • #199782

    Hey guys,

    Im starting my REG journey (which is hopefully my last exam, pending the Feb. 4th score release!…fingers crossed!!). I wanted to know for those of you who have taken it, if it would matter if I go out of order with the Becker chapters. I am taking a corporate tax class in school, so I wanted to start with R3 and R4 (corp tax.) so I can kinda line up my CPA studying with school to makes things feel a little less overwhelming.

    Would you then recommend continuing on to BLAW and leaving individual taxation for last (R1 & R2)? I am probably least comfortable with individual tax, being that I haven’t taken a personal tax class in about 2 years. So maybe doing it last would make it most fresh before my exam?

    Any pointers?

    I am a tax major in my masters program, so I’m not expecting to have much difficulty with corp. tax.

    Thanks in advance for any and all input

    AUD: 98
    REG: 91
    BEC: 86
    FAR: 83

    DONE DONE DONE and DONE all on the first try! It IS possible, just keep on studying!

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  • #756392

    I'm currently studying for REG and I wouldn't recommend leaving individual tax for last. I'm not using Becker but my review course told me Individual Tax is about 20% of the exam itself. There is a lot to remember and business law is only 17-21%. I may be wrong but I haven't seen a post where BLaw was a SIM as opposed to Ind Tax.

    It'd probably be better to start with Ind Tax so you have more time to review as opposed to cramming towards the end.


    i know becker puts a lot of work into aligning their chapters,building off of previous ones. their annotated ebook feature on the website are gold. the whole system is proven for success (too bad mine expired and i only have the hardcopy book 🙁 their lectures are lackluster i found,other than that, the order matters and i would go in order R1-R8. thats what i am doing, and supplementing with ninjaMCQ good luck boss


    I started with individual but I see I need more work in corporation with mcq's . So I guess go with the weakness and strength of the mcq's if you have them.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    Go in order. There are a lot of things you “think” you know about individual tax but there is way more you actually “don't” know. I found the individual stuff harder since nothing really meshed together as well. as in Corporate and Partnerships. Obvously I also do more SCorps and Partnerships in real world tax than Individual 1040s

    REG: 91!!
    BEC: 80!!
    AUD: TBA
    FAR: TBA

    In the order I plan to take the exams.


    Interesting. I guess I'll do individual after I do 3&4. Then 5 and blaw.

    AUD: 98
    REG: 91
    BEC: 86
    FAR: 83

    DONE DONE DONE and DONE all on the first try! It IS possible, just keep on studying!


    Just go in order, Becker designs it for a reason. AND DON'T NEGLECT 5-8!! I did that, and as you can see from my scores, I regret it (and my score report concurred). 5-8 is 40-50% of the exam, and a lot of it is just plain memorization, so while you understand it, you may not remember it come exam time.

    Individual taxation, on the exam, is ALWAYS straight forward. A lot (90%) of the questions I've gotten have been about either what is a deduction to or from AGI or how many people are considered dependents. You might get 1-3 questions on AMT. 3-4 is where they try to trick you with the details, ESPECIALLY with 3. 5 was one of my weakest areas because I didn't think it would be important, and I was so wrong because it was a good chunk of the MCQs. 6-8 was/is difficult for me to study because it's so text based, that I had a hard time concentrating on it. So don't just read it, test yourself with flashcards/MCQs while you review the material.

    1-4 takes practice, 5-8 takes TIME.

    FAR - 76 Oct 2015 (Becker)
    REG - 87 Apr 2016 (Becker + Ninja MCQ) - 3rd time's the charm!
    AUD - 82 Feb 2016 (Becker)
    BEC - 85 May 2016 (Becker)

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