REG – Disheartened!

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  • #158108

    I used Becker to study for Regulation, studied a lot more than AUD and BEC (which I passed with an 84 and 77, respectively), and went into the test feeling ready.

    I did well on the first testlet, had a difficult second testlet, and a slighty easier but still difficult third testlet. I had never seen either of my simulations in studying, and was only slightly confident in my knowledge of the material in them. There were a couple questions I remembered after the test which I SHOULD have gotten right, but didn’t.

    I feel much less confident than I did coming out of the other two parts. Has anyone had similar feelings coming out of REG? How did it turn out as compared to AUD and BEC?

    Sorry if similar topics have been beaten to death. Any comments/thoughts are appreciated!

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  • #233780

    Oh, and just another random thought – I beginning to see a trend of “I thought I failed, and passed” and “I thought I passed, but failed” on a lot of the forums. Perhaps this is due to being so well-prepared for the exam that you feel distraught after not knowing ALL the questions, or being so ill-prepared that you feel great after knowing just A FEW of the answers.

    Hopefully the former applies to me!


    I felt exactly the same way when I took REG last July 8! Simulations blew me off! I think what we could do now is hope for the best!

    BEC - 85 | AUD - 92 | FAR - 95 | REG - 87


    I had the same thing happen to me. I felt like the SIMS were awful and thought I failed but I passed. I heard a lot of people saying that they thought they failed REG but ended up passing. . . .

    AUD - 89 REG - 81 BEC - 73, 74, 84 FAR - 56, 74, 83. . .Done 🙂

    I'm a CPA! 🙂

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