Reg Disaster!!!

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  • #158805

    I just sat for what I was hoping would be my final section on Friday, and it went HORRIBLY. Every other section I took, even FARS which I thought would be the worst, I at least walked out feeling as though there was a reasonably good chance that I passed. I took REG last, ironically, because I thought it would be the easiest section for me since it’s my area of practice. I studied just as diligently as with the other sections (Becker home study), but feel like I got an incredibly difficult version of the exam. The exam was very skewed as far as what sections of the material it covered, despite extensive practice with the Becker questions I recognized only a few of the m/c questions on the exam. I left feeling so depressed and am still trying to recover, worst of all is that I have to wait until the end of November to find out my fate. I’ve had friends who have told me similar sob stories and still ended up passing, but I really feel like this could end badly 🙁 Any words of encouragement from those of you out there who have gotten blind sided by a particular difficult test version? Thanks!




    REG-10/01/10….and not looking so good!

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  • #254745

    First of all, you need to edit your post to take out anything that discloses particular areas of the exam you had (such as your simulation content and subject area of questions) quickly! It's against AICPA rules and this forum is pretty strict about it…

    Second of all, yes it happened to me with FAR (I hvaen't taken REG yet) and I actually passed with a pretty good score 🙂 I'd try to not freak out about it yet and just wait. If you really didn't pass just because you had a harder version, at least next time it probably won't be as hard because what are the chances of getting two really harder-than-average versions? LOL I'm just trying to think on the bright side here. But yeah, I've heard plenty of sob stories that turn out well 😀

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)


    You just have to keep your head up! I had a similar experience…and yes, I didn't pass.

    If you didn't pass it, all you can do is come up with a game plan and go back in. There are many others than have been in your shoes…sometimes you just seem to get the one version of the exam that you absolutely didn't want.


    actually now that Becks mentions it, the same kinda thing happened for FAR for a friend of mine and me. I was super confident on one section that none of my friends seemed to get and yet i saw NO questions on the exam on that topic. And yet my friend who never really got that section got NAILED with it in the multiple choice and a simulation! I was so jealous! And one of my simulations was on the ONE THING I was shaky on lol!

    But yeah if you take it again chances are super low that your exam will focus on those exam same areas 🙂

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)


    Most of the information you picked up in your recent review would be fairly fresh too when you went back in meaning you probably wouldn't need as much time to study, perhaps just enough to brush up on a few things or get a few more things nailed down.


    I feel you pain. I re-took REG yesterday because my prior passing score expired. Pretty sure I passed, but why would there be only a few questions about major subjects? I looked as my prior score results and I previously scored stronger in certain sections. The test had virtually nothing in these areas. I know different tests circulate, but I feel that the new test was based on my prior test results. They can't do that can they??? If for some reason I fail to pass, would this be grounds for appeal?


    I definitely know how you feel squeek.. we probably had the same version of the test.

    I prepared with becker and went through the questions a few times, with adequate review time. I thought I had a great grasp of the material and then BAM… out of nowhere I get the most random MC sets, with a lot of material I've never seen before. I really hope I somehow passed bc REG is my last part also…

    BEC - 93
    FAR - 94
    AUD - 95
    REG - 99

    Need CPA Already

    @ hoping and squeek, I just walked out of the REG exam and WOW……I thought there were some MCs that did come out of the blue (hope they are pretest questions) (FYI using Becker)…. also it might just be me, but what the heck…….why am I seeing BEC Qs on audit, REG Qs on BEC and Audit Qs on Reg….. it might just be me but on a couple of Qs on each it seemed that way.

    I felt overall though I did good enough on the MCs and written communications (thought written comm. was easy), but my simulations (tabs) were so so hard. Harder then what the Becker sims were….I really hope my first simulation doesn't count (I still don't believe that)….The 2nd one felt like it only had real 1 difficult tab. Felt about 85% confident when walking out of BEC & Audit but this one was tough and I feel I am going to close to the 75 mark. I don't know, I mean on BEC I thought I nailed it and I also thought it was really easy (thus a few Qs in my opinion will hurt you against the rest of the population) also thought audit was more challenging but probably got the same amount wrong like I did in BEC and got a 90.

    I think if the test you took is a tough exam to most people, you probably have more margin for error….

    8/20 AUD: 90
    8/31 BEC: 82
    10/6 REG: 83
    10/25 FAR: 93


    Thanks for the words of encouragement everybody. I guess there's nothing I can do but enjoy my study break until the score comes in. My friend has a theory that the scores are chosen by cats, which would account for the seemingly random results we all seem to get. I guess that's the trick to this whole process, to keep yourself from getting psyched out and just get through it! Best of luck to all of you on your exams!!!!


    I walked out of REG with a sour taste in my mouth, too. It felt like the whole test was new material to me, but I just used the knowledge I gained and applied it. I wouldn't worry about since I ended up passing just fine.

    You did what you could and now you get to play the waiting game 🙂

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