So I'm at a crossroads. Took me three tries to pass Audit. Eventually passed with an 83. When I passsed with an 83, I was getting 90-95 on every single chapter of the multiple choice questions provided by Becker, and I thought that gave me a great basis when taking the tests.
I then began taking REG, which was horrendous. However, I eventually got to the point where I was passing every single section of the chapters with a 90-95% so I thought I was good. I just took the REG test yesterday, and am pretty sure I will get a 60% or below. I studied my ass off, and I spent a lot of time studying and focusing. If I dont get above a 70, I dont know if I can continue wasting my time and money. The test I took asked me multiple questions about topics that were barely covered by Becker, and when it came down to the Sims, every single one had numerical amounts to be entered, meaning you either needed to know the topic 100% or you'd get no credit for the topic. Stuff as simple as determing someone's taxable income became ridiculous because you had to sift through 7 different W-2s, with amounts in every box possible. I'm not an accountant, nor did I see any of this in Becker, so how am I supposed to know it?
Basically, I find out May 23 how badly I failed, and I was wondering if anyone was running into the same issues I was, or if I should just quit my pursuit of the CPA. I thought I was well prepared going in, and coming out, I'm not sure what else I should have looked at or how I should have attacked my studying differently.