REG – Exam Prep - Page 131

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    So, I started studying business law section of REG and I am crushed!! I am scoring on average 60 on MCQ on business law 🙁 Can anyone advise on how to tackle business law portion of REG??? Why do I find it so difficult? I use the same method that I used for FAR and AUD. I listen to lectures, read the book and do MCQ. A lot of people here find tax section to be difficult. I on the other hand, find it a blessing compared to business law. Does anyone else feel this way???

    FAR 7/10/2012 - 93
    AUD 08/28/2012 - 93
    REG 10/16/2012 - 93
    BEC 11/26/2012 - 88
    ETHICS 12/01/2012 - 93



    I feel exactly the same about Business Law. I have Jeff's REG audio and I usually listen to it when I have a few spare moments(driving to work, etc) but tend to really zone out during that section. There's a reason we are accountants and not lawyers, right? I literally go cross-eyed when reading some of the MCQs for business law, too. Jeff, HELP US!!

    AUD - 10/20/2011 - 77
    BEC - 7/28/2012 - 79
    FAR - 4/6/2013 - 79
    REG - 4/18/2013 - 75 (3rd time's a charm!)



    Thanks for your input!! I thought I was the only one that found Business Law so borring and hard to comprehend. At least now I know that I chose the right profession for myself; I would be a terrible lawyer!!! Studying for FAR, AUD and Tax was way more fun that for Business Law….. Oh well, I guess I need to start cramming this part really hard, as it is definitely my biggest weakness right now….

    FAR 7/10/2012 - 93
    AUD 08/28/2012 - 93
    REG 10/16/2012 - 93
    BEC 11/26/2012 - 88
    ETHICS 12/01/2012 - 93


    I have a few questions for ppl taking REG…

    1. I am using the becker 2011 study materials… Is this ok for taking the test now… the sims were nothing like the ones on the test

    2. I have heard (and kind of agreed) Becker is not the best study material to use for reg… what do ppl recommend using to study?


    I failed REG with a 73. I have been using CPAexcel— any advice on what to supplement with this time around?

    I felt OK about the multiple choices questions, but my sims were nothing like the ones on the CPAexcel practice exams.

    BEC: 84 (Becker Self-Study, WTB)
    AUD: 97 (Becker Self-Study, Ninja Audio, WTB)
    REG: 73 (CPAExcel), 85 (Becker Self-Study, Ninja Audio, WTB)
    FAR: May 5(Becker Self-Study, WTB)


    kh217-We're in the same boat. I failed with a 72. Simulations are what got me, and I've been using becker. Although, I can't complain about becker, I think they did an adequate job with simulations. I failed to spend more time on them. I've been debating doing the Wiley test bank. It has over 1100 MCQs and 40 simulations.

    B-74,84 (Expires 1/31/14)
    A-79 (Expires 7/31/13)
    R-72,83 (Expires 4/31/14)
    F-80 No more expiration worries, I'm Done!


    Katydid- Yeah I think I am going to get the Wiley test bank. I feel like I've memorized the answers to too many of CPAexcel's questions, so I think it would help!

    BEC: 84 (Becker Self-Study, WTB)
    AUD: 97 (Becker Self-Study, Ninja Audio, WTB)
    REG: 73 (CPAExcel), 85 (Becker Self-Study, Ninja Audio, WTB)
    FAR: May 5(Becker Self-Study, WTB)


    I am a CO-registered Middle East-based candidate currently preparing for REG. I would like to seek your opinion if review materials (CPAexcel and Wiley Testbank) would be sufficient to prepare for the tough REG. I am thinking of supplementing my materials with a textbook on Tax, but do not know if this is a good idea, noting that I intend to take the exam around 22nd or so in Nov. When I took FAR I never imagined that questions would be limited to test of basic concepts, with only a handful that one may consider challenging. Is it also the same for REG?

    FAR - Passed
    BEC - Passed
    AUD - 23 Aug'12 PASSED!!! Thank You, God!
    REG - Exam in Nov'12


    How long are you all giving yourselves to study for REG?

    I had my schedule down to 8 weeks for FAR and 6 for REG but its looking like I may need 9 weeks for FAR which will only give me 5 weeks for REG

    Is anyone studying for REG for 5 weeks or less? I work full time so I could probably only bank about 130 hours of study time total.

    Or should I just ramp it into high gear for FAR and take it as I originally scheduled it?

    B - 79 PASSED (1/4 there!)
    A - 77 PASSED (1/2 there!)
    F - 79 PASSED (3/4 there!)
    R - 83 PASSED (DONE!!!!!!)
    Review Course: Lambers , Wiley and Ninja


    REG is my first retake and was wondering how did some of you pass it the 2nd time around? These are my strategies the 2nd go around.

    – Reread Becker book with emphasis in tax areas.

    – Purchase Wiley test bank to supplement with Ninja Notes ( did not use to my advantage the first time around even though I had it)

    – Focus on weaker areas: property transaction/estate/trust, mainly tax portion since i did well in blaw

    Are there anything else I should do differently that you guys would like to add? I plan on retaking it at the end of October or maybe sooner. Thank you!


    @CPAski, I would read the Becker book multiple times and take notes while you go. It's a painstaking process, but worth it. Redo the MCQs a few times and figure out your weaker areas.

    BEC: (4/2012) 88
    AUD: (5/2012) 91
    REG: (8/2012) 82
    FAR: (1/2013) 78 🙂

    VA CPA #42010


    F**K REG. It is my last test and I just found out I got a 72. I used Becker 2011 materials. How do you all suggest I go about getting ready for the retake?

    FAR: 90
    AUD: 88
    BEC: 88
    REG: 72, 85
    I am done!


    @ute, i got a 71 my first time taking REG.. on my retake i just went through all of the MC again and took progress tests. its already fresh and your not far away from passing, so going through everything a few more times should solidify it for ya


    Ok, I recently took all four CPA exams in the last window and was fortunate enough to pass all of them but REG where I got a 74. And now I have a few questions that I was hoping you all may be able to clear up for me.

    1: Can nonrecourse debt increase a partner's basis?

    2: Unrelated business income of exempt entities I found to have very ambiguous questions. Can anyone help clearly define what exactly I may consider unrelated business income? i.e. if I operate a business for disabled people but it is also open to members of the public for a fee that fee revenue would then be considered UBI, correct?



    I'm about to start studying for REG, my final section, for the first time today. I'm scheduled to sit Nov 2nd but I might move it up to October 20th. I need to see how well I progress from now up until Oct 1 though.

    If it's any easier than FAR then it shouldn't be an issue.

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