I studied for REG in 16 days. Granted I was seriously burnt out by the time I walked out of the exam. I averaged 5.5 hours a day and logged 90 hours total. I am unsure of my performance.
I am now studying AUD and will have exactly three weeks of study time under my belt, average 3.5 or so hours a day. After AUD I will have 16 days to prepare for BEC and then I give myself about 35 days to prepare for FAR.
I use Becker. Go through all lectures, work all problems (including supplemental), work all sims, progress test after each section, final exam 1 after all sections are done. Guage which areas I really need to focus on from final exam 1 results. For review I read through each section again, updating the notes provided by Becker, and reworking all MC problems (including supplemental). I also rework the SIMS. Day before test I will take final exam 2 and then read through my updated notes.
Does it work? I don't know. Is it the best I can do with such a limited time frame? I believe so. My goal when beginning this process was to take all 4 sections over the summer. I was hoping to pass at least two of the sections which would leave two sections for the fall.
REG: 5/26 - 90hrs (Pass) AUD: 7/1 - 86hrs (Pass)
BEC: 7/22 - 72hrs (Pass) FAR: 8/31 - 56hrs (Wait)