REG – Corporate/Partnership Liquidation

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  • #189970

    Can someone please summarize these 4 ponts for me in terms of recognizing gains/losses?? I feel like I’m always messing them up in m/c and I just want to fully understand this going into my exam on Thursday.

    1) Non-liquidating distribution – Corps

    2) Liquidating distribution – Corps

    2) Non-liquidating distribution – Partnerships

    4) Liquidating distribution – Partnerships

    Thank you so much!

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  • #618086


    Tax lady

    @CPA. I wanted to answer you last night but never got the chance. Let me work something up and I will be in touch shortly and we can talk it through…I need the added reinforcement myself!

    REG 8/15/14 (73); 11/13/14 (82)-expired ๐Ÿ™
    AUD 5/30/15 (80)
    BEC 11/28/15 (75)
    FAR 7/30/16

    Studying with CPAexcel and Ninja notes/MCQ's/Flashcards

    Tax lady

    1) Non-liquidating – Corps.

    Shareholder basis = AB (adj basis) of property transferred

    + gain recognized (only if less than 80% ownership)

    – boot rec'd (such as assumption of a liab.)

    = shareholder basis

    **if shareholders have 80% control after a property transfer, no taxable event occurs

    **if liability exceeds basis on contributed property to corp. then gain is recognized

    **a non-liquidating distribution of a corp will reduce the retained earnings of the corp and are taxable as a dividend to the shareholder if E&P exists. (current E&P); distribution of accumulated E&P is a return of basis and distribution of any remainder is a capital gain.

    2) Liquidating Dist. – Corps

    Property distributed uses FMV, not AB

    If a corp distributes property with a FMV below basis, there is no loss

    If a corp distributes appreciated property that is capital in nature, then it's a capital gain to the corp

    If a corp distributes appreciated property that is non capital, then it's ordinary income

    3) Non-liquidating partnership distributions

    -property exchanged for a partnership interest has no gain/loss unless the property has a liability attached that exceeds basis, then a capital gain is recognized by the partner (which also increases their basis)

    -again property is valued using partner's adj. basis

    -If a partner exchanges his services in exchange for a partnership interest, then it is taxable to the partner (FMV of service * p-ship interest); Also, if partner receives assets instead of cash for payment, then use FMV of assets to determine amount of income to partner

    -a partner that purchases his p-ship interest uses the amount of purchase as his basis and if a p-ship interest is gifted to a partner, then use the gift basis rules

    – guaranteed payments do not affect p-ship basis

    -liabilities taken on by p-ship from the partner, decrease the partner's basis, but will increase their basis by their percentage of the amount of debt

    4) Liquidating distributions for a p-ship

    -property distributions take basis to zero, never below

    -liquidating dist. are the only way a loss can occur

    -things that cause a loss: Cash, or hot assets

    -hot assets = unrealized receivable, and appreciated inventories and these cause an ordinary loss

    REG 8/15/14 (73); 11/13/14 (82)-expired ๐Ÿ™
    AUD 5/30/15 (80)
    BEC 11/28/15 (75)
    FAR 7/30/16

    Studying with CPAexcel and Ninja notes/MCQ's/Flashcards


    @Tax lady You're a godsend. Thank you thank you thank you!!!

    Tax lady

    Hope it helps! It was a great review for me…you take REG tomorrow right?

    REG 8/15/14 (73); 11/13/14 (82)-expired ๐Ÿ™
    AUD 5/30/15 (80)
    BEC 11/28/15 (75)
    FAR 7/30/16

    Studying with CPAexcel and Ninja notes/MCQ's/Flashcards


    Yea!!!! I definitely feel better about it than the first time I took it. I'm just hoping that means 10 pts better. Looks like you're taking it tomorrow as well. How do you feel about it?

    Tax lady

    Like you, I also feel much better about the material this time around. I feel like I have learned a lot more going through the material a 2nd time. I am no where close to perfect but at least I feel like I have a good understanding of concepts that tripped me up last time. Good luck tomorrow. You will be done soon! I'm just beginning my journey….

    REG 8/15/14 (73); 11/13/14 (82)-expired ๐Ÿ™
    AUD 5/30/15 (80)
    BEC 11/28/15 (75)
    FAR 7/30/16

    Studying with CPAexcel and Ninja notes/MCQ's/Flashcards


    You're going to do great, and then the momentum from passing will carry you through to the end!! Or at least three parts of the way through haha, I got so burnt out/lost motivation by the time I started studying REG. I cracked down for this retake though. My test is at 3pm EST, but I won't have the opportunity to post about my experience until the next day unfortunately. Good luck to you!

    Tax lady

    Thank you! I test at 1. I will look forward to seeing how it went for you in a couple days. Good luck!

    REG 8/15/14 (73); 11/13/14 (82)-expired ๐Ÿ™
    AUD 5/30/15 (80)
    BEC 11/28/15 (75)
    FAR 7/30/16

    Studying with CPAexcel and Ninja notes/MCQ's/Flashcards

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