Reg Changes…Big Deal?

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  • #2000171

    I know I am not prepared for my exam scheduled for 10/12. I am in hustle mode, my mcq is at 50% so I’m not doing too hot with those. So if I do not take reg on the 12th will there be enough time to get another nts before the changes or Just forget about the changes and study now for reg. I am just stuck. I’ve been here before. Maybe I’m just thinking about it too much and should just study and take the test…..why am I back and forth with this? when I have time to study, everything else gets in the way, now that I am in crunch time I’m more worried about failing than studying. I just can’t focus. What is wrong? Yes, I have failed reg before…miserably. I need help!!!! I’ll just study until I get help with my fear of failure.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass

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  • #2000327

    You can only test for each exam once per window. So if you sit REG on 10/12 then you find out your result on 12/11 (afaik) and wont have time or be allowed to re-register…
    You have two weeks to cram, or move your exam date back and pay the $35 to prometric, but you only have one shot at this window regardless what you decide


    Since I have no more time on this notice, I was contemplating a no show and applying for another to at least test by Dec. There is no guarantee I'll pass anyway, and I'll have to be ready for 2019. so I guess I better just keep studying. Back to mcq's.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    Devotion, time, MCQs. That's your winning combination. You just need to dig deep and stay focused. Keep pushing through.
    Limit distractions. Don't find the time, MAKE the time. It has to be your #1 priority.


    Thank you Recked…I am going through the ninja book, going over entities again. I am planning my course of attack a little more detailed. I don't have social media so I don't have that to turn off . (lol) So I have time. I can't find a real reason to repay again unless I fail. and I am not planning to fail. So, back to old school college days of staying up all night. Well majority of the night if I have to. This is going to hurt, but I can't seem to let go. According to Ninja test date, I need 6.75 hours a day until test day. Is that accurate?

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    I'm fighting to stay motivated. I feel a lot better about the mcq's. I put the book down, I thought it was a waste of time. I am getting better results with the mcq's , notes, and audio. Still don't know if I'll be ready on the 10\12 🙁

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass

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