REG Advice

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  • #1592369

    I am crunch on time for REG right now and I am freaking out. My test is this coming Saturday and I have not touched business law/ethics. Is it plausible to pass REG even without touching those topics as I heard it’s not heavily tested, but if it is, it is more of a logical answer?

    Should I just briefly go over some of the MCQ’s or no? I am thinking of not to and hope for the best, only because I am struggling to understand special property transactions and trying to memorize individuals/AMT. The rest I am okay with.


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  • #1592381

    Not advising anyone to skip BLaw/Ethics at all because there WILL a fair amount of questions on them. But if it gives you any hope, I somehow passed REG without touching BLaw. For Ethics I could only read the book quickly since I was short on time myself.

    Good luck on Saturday!

    BEC - July 2016 → 78
    AUD - Sep 2016
    REG - Nov 2016
    FAR - Feb 2017


    Good to know. Thanks! I actually might just skim through business law very quickly but won't go too heavily on it. I guess I can focus on getting a lot of the tax questions right.. Hahah.

    Much appreciated for your response!


    I would try to do the blame mcq over reading the book personally to see patterns in the questions and read the explanations as to why question is wrong. If you can't do all the blaw questions then maybe do half from each blaw section? At this point it's about efficiency and I think it's more efficient to do mcq then read the book: good luck!


    Without disclosing too much, I would study Circular 230. It's an easy topic to learn.


    I would try to get through it-these are easy points on the test. As Peter Olinto says, it's like insurance for your REG exam.

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