REG (A little advice)

  • Creator
  • #1606520

    Hi Ninjas,

    I have my Reg exam coming up September 10th. I work public accounting and one week my hours can be low but like these next few weeks i have so much on my schedule. I really really want to pass this exam. Ive gone through the first 4 chapters but not in depth. I def understand the materials of this section much better cause I did my masters in tax and I am in tax. I have 4 chapters left. Do you suggest I go back and solidify the first 4 chapters or just keep it moving. Im a bit discouraged with these exams. I took Audit July 2nd and IDK how i felt about it (second time taking it). Would you guys suggest I also buy the NINJA MCQ’s? push my exam?

    Please really need some good advice..

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  • Author
  • #1606584

    with your time constraint i suggest to keep moving through the materials. Since you seem to have experience enough in tax I suggest you make sure you hit the securities laws and business law stuff.


    I think you should push through the blaw stuff first, but be sure to save time to go back and review tax.


    Push through the material ASAP and get to the review stage is my advice. Everything starts to click in the review stage for me (doing MCQs, sims, and writing ninja notes)

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