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  • #165661

    I am not fully understanding R3-R5. I am going over the lecture material, doing homework, but still I am having difficulty understanding the material. Tax part is more straight forward…THE LAW IS DRIVING ME NUTS…DO THIS AND THEN DO THAT..IF YOU DO THAT…DON’T DO THIS…Any suggestion on memorizing the material and getting good score on the homework?

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  • Author
  • #321937

    Here's the thing about the law: what's fair is usually the right answer. After that you just need some good mnemonics to get the language down. Is there a particular aspect that's giving you trouble? Contracts? Agency?

    REG 82 (10/07/11)
    BEC 88 (11/01/11)
    FAR 86 (11/21/11)
    AUD 82 (11/30/11)
    Roger CPA Review, live & cram course


    Contract and Sales are driving me crazy. When I go over the chapter it make sense, but when I do homework..I get majority of the questions wrong. What should I do?


    Short answer: keep doing homework.

    Longer answer: You're going to get the majority of questions wrong when you do homework. That's normal. For each question, right or wrong, write down the reason the right answer is right — it can just be the headline or the relevant mnemonic, you don't have to copy the entire Wiley explanation.

    So, looking through my homework, I wrote next to a problem — Statute of limitations, starts on breach

    Another one on discharging contracts: SKIP BAIL

    Satisfactory completion

    Kontract rescinded

    Impossible to complete

    Precedent not met


    Accord and satisfaction


    Legal (not)

    FOR EVERY SINGLE QUESTION. It'll take forever, but it'll stick your mind. The point of homework isn't to test yourself; it's to reinforce what you learned. So do some reinforcing.

    REG 82 (10/07/11)
    BEC 88 (11/01/11)
    FAR 86 (11/21/11)
    AUD 82 (11/30/11)
    Roger CPA Review, live & cram course

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