R4 (Becker) – Ethics/Federal Tax Procedures

  • Creator
  • #178238

    I know this material is supposedly heavily tested, so I am taking it seriously and trying my best to retain the highlights of these sections. However, how in the world am I supposed to remember all of these crazy rules/opinions? I just cannot grasp covered opinions. Any advice from previous REG takers?

    I did do well on the MCQs the first time through, so I am sure that is a good sign at least.

    FAR - 85
    AUD - 99
    REG - 85
    BEC - 10/4/13 (Waiting)

    Using Becker Self-Study

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  • Author
  • #422951

    I think you're on the right path. There are 72 questions on the REG exam, with 8 HUGE chapters of info in the Becker material. I'm not saying you shouldn't take it seriously, but you also don't need to be a tax attorney either. I'd just get as much of the highlighted material down as possible and as they say, “What sticks, sticks.” I certainly didn't concern myself too much with that material, although I knew enough to answer basic questions. I ended up doing well enough to pass. I know it's cliche', but there is just no way you'll remember all of this material in any section you study for.

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