Question for Rogers users

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  • #198707

    I have been using Beckers the whole way, it worked for FAR and AUD, for REG i also used Beckers and ninja mcq’s. I feel that it didnt work for me for Reg. How would you rank rogers for REG, should i consider buying it or are the all the same?

    FAR-76 First attempt.
    AUD-79 First attempt.
    REG-79 First attempt.
    BEC-79 First attempt.



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  • #745847

    I've taken and passed BEC and REG using only Roger's program. (88 and 82, respectively, on the first attempts) I will preface this by saying that I work in tax, but I thought Roger's REG program was really good. Since you already have Becker, I would say that maybe the Roger cram course for REG would be good for you? I've never used Becker, but I don't think it's necessary to buy one additional full program when you already have Becker to work with. I used Roger's program for about 8-10 weeks, studying an average of 10 hrs per week. One observation I have from reading other people's posts who have studied for REG is I think people get too bogged down in trying to memorize every detail, and they miss the big picture issues. Maybe I just got lucky, but I punted on BLAW my last couple of weeks and concentrated solely on doing SIMs and MCQ's for tax. i was hardly tested on BLAW during the actual exam.

    BEC - 88 8/29/15
    REG - 82 11/14/15
    AUD - 83 1/8/16
    FAR - 80 2/29/16


    I recently failed reg after passing far, bec and aud on first attempt. I used mainly gleim and supplement with ninja notes and Wiley tb but for Reg it didn't work. I decided recently to buy roger review for reg and so far I understanding all the concepts very well, he is amazing and menomics are funny and easy to memorize. Also his recently updated mcqs are awful and improved from before. So yes I would advice getting a fresh explanation of the material from roger and hopefully it will help. I found reg to be different from other part of the cpa or may be because I am international candidate with no tax exprience but I believe to pass reg u need to know the big picture first then focus on details like what roger does in his lecture and then drill the mcqs.


    I used Becker for everything, and you can see my stats below. I didn't feel like it worked for REG for me either. Tax is a lot of memorization, and to me, has a lot of arbitrary rules that make no sense. AUD and FAR- if you understand big picture, you can logic your way through the details. I bought Roger for my REG retake, and so far, he's hilarious and easy to watch. We'll see how it goes!

    FAR | 81 - July 21 15
    REG | 66 - Oct 1 15 | 87 - Jan 7 16
    AUD | 90 - Oct 29 15
    BEC | 86 - Nov 25 15


    Hi Iswang please do make sure to update your score when you get it, im curious to know if Rogers made the difference. Beckers is great and all but like you said i didnt see the bigger picture, i just understand the rules but not how they fit into one another. For example i couldnt figure how things flow into one another from different schedules. How did you feel after the test with Rogers?

    FAR-76 First attempt.
    AUD-79 First attempt.
    REG-79 First attempt.
    BEC-79 First attempt.



    the LAST Coffee

    Used Roger and passed FAR, BEC, AUD on first attempt. However, REG was by far the most difficult to study for and Roger helped me with that as far as that went.

    Can't say if it worked or not but if it didn't, it had more to do with looking up IRC than the Roger CPA course as that what killed me during REG exam.

    FAR 84 (AUG '15)
    BEC 83 (AUG '15)
    AUD 79 (OCT '15)
    REG 71, 78! (NOV '15, FEB '16)


    I have 2 tips regarding the IRC – 1, Don't think of the IRC in isolation with the 1 research SIM. Look up the IRC for every tax topic you study. If you are learning depreciation, look up the code. If you are learning retirement accounts, look up the code. I work in Tax, and I agree that it doesn't make sense at times (especially for those without a tax background). You have to remember that the IRC is the Bible for Tax. 2. You have access to the IRC for all of your SIMS in the exam – not just the research one. Use it! I planned accordingly and left myself enough time to look up the IRC for every SIM I did, and it made me feel more confident that the answers I was giving were correct.

    BEC - 88 8/29/15
    REG - 82 11/14/15
    AUD - 83 1/8/16
    FAR - 80 2/29/16


    I just started studying REG with Roger and I'm already feeling overwhelmed. Just determining what is income is like WTF. So many rules and gray areas! Am I trippin too hard too fast?

    BEC - 75 (3x)
    AUD - 78 (3x)
    REG - 67, 66, Aug 1
    FAR - 54, Sept 8


    Claudia, at beginning when i started for REG i was also very overwhelmed but believe me it gets alot better. Their might seem to be alot of material but they all overlap and you will relearn the same thing just for corps, scorps, and parteneships so really your learning it three times to apply once. Dont freak out, it gets alot better. Unfortunately even though i say this as im waiting for scores that i totally failed, still REG in general was doable in the amount of material.

    FAR-76 First attempt.
    AUD-79 First attempt.
    REG-79 First attempt.
    BEC-79 First attempt.




    @Claudia418, I feel your pain. I just finished Section 1 and it's a lot of overwhelming info. I'm hoping you're right @mitchmatch about the course getting slightly better. Tax is my weakest area of accounting.

    Is anyone else using Roger to study and planning to take the exam in Q1-2016? Hoping we can support and ask each other questions here. Once I'm done watching the lectures, I'm planning to supplement my review with Becker MCQs and SIMs.


    I used Roger review class for REG. I did all the Roger MCQ & SIMS and Wiley TB MCQ & SIMS. I got around 70% correct on the 1st attempt. Then I re-work those incorrects in the last week of review. I thought I failed after the test but end up scoring a 90.

    I used Becker few year befores. Totally not a fan. I felt asleep every single time. But I have to say, their textbook are the best.

    REG 90
    FAR 95
    AUD 98
    BEC 84


    @marqzho thanks. Yeah, I give major props to Becker students watching all the lectures. I only watched a couple from each section and couldn't stand it. It's dreadful.

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