Prepare for REG in 3 1/2 weeks while working full-time?

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  • #158149

    I am contemplating putting my FAR review in high gear….already put in 90 hours. I have completed all DVD’s and took massive notes, am now on Module 8 of doing the minimum MCQ…considering taking test on 8/5.

    Then stepping directly into REG, however I work full-time but considering taking a few vacation days, and hitting it hard (well as hard as can w/3 kids). Then taking REG 8/31.

    Being finished in August (hopefully no retakes) sounds really good compared to finished the first of October.

    My husband will be home soon, so he can help me out w/the kids.

    Does this sound possible w/3 kids and a full-time job?

    I have not even looked at REG, so I don’t know the content, but I also work at a public firm and do mostly individual, but some corps and partnership tax returns.

    Any thoughts??

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  • Author
  • #233941

    Welp, I'm going for it….talked to my husband he is on board. So, here's to one really crappy August!!


    3 1/2 weeks is enough time, but it seems you will have NO personal time at all and NO life if you want to pass…..but you could do it as long as you don't crack!….

    BEC=77, FAR=78, REG=73,74,80, AUD=70,69, 84 DONE!

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