Plan of attack – REG retake

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  • #175300

    I did not expect to pass REG, but I was hopeful. I did not even come close. A 58 means I have a LOT to learn. I really struggled with the material and was also very disorganized while studying. I have too many review courses and not enough structure.

    Based on my score, I am essentially starting over. I am trying to decide which materials to use/how to approach it and when to take it. I start full time in Big 4 audit on 1/2 and leave for training that night. From what I can tell, busy season will be a difficult time to study and may be problematic to schedule an exam (working on Saturdays, Prometric closed on Sundays). So I’m thinking early January. BUT that only gives me 3-4 weeks to prepare. (I will have a little over 2 weeks full time studying, so that’s a bonus). The first time, I used a mix of CPA Excel and Yaeger videos and the Wiley and Gleim books/test banks along with NINJA to prepare the first time. I also have access to Becker as a new hire. Should I ditch the videos and just focus on the MCQs or would it be better to go through the videos for any of the above courses? Any recommendations for REG specifically?

    Congrats to all that passed. For those that didn’t, dust yourself off and hop back on the study train ASAP. As soon as I found out I did not pass (in the car on the way home from vacation), I flipped on my NINJA audio lectures. I can’t say I missed them!

    BEC 81
    AUD 76
    FAR 70, 76
    REG 58, 78! DONE!

    "I am not my intentions. I am my actions."

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  • #388993

    I would say if you don't feel you know the material then just doing MCQ's wouldn't help much. I would suggest using the Becker materials and watch the videos.

    Focus on the tax sections, as that's 2/3 of the exam and then get comfortable with the business law, which in my opinion is a very easy section to learn.

    REG was easier for me because I have a MST and I work in a tax department at a Big 4, but it still required me to go over the materials and see what they are testing. I used Becker and I would recommend it for a tax-novice



    What would your plan of attack be for the SIMS? I know those can be bear

    FAR - 88 (Jul 2012)
    AUD - 85 (Oct 2012)
    BEC - 82 (Nov 2012)
    REG - 92 (Jan 2013) DONE!

    Using Becker Self Study 2012


    Becker really doesn't prepare you all that well for the SIMS. The Wiley Test Banks SIMS are better in my opinion, but still are easier than the ones on the actual exam. When it comes to SIMS its really the luck of the draw in my experience

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