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  • #178259

    I don’t understand the point of memorizing which items have phase-outs… like how do examiners word those questions? “Which of the following items have phase-outs?” lol…

    FAR - Passed
    AUD - Passed
    BEC - Passed
    REG - 8/22/2013

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  • #423058

    From what I've heard, they supposedly give you a very high AGI or a very low AGI, so that it's obvious they do or do not go beyond the phase-out, and then you're supposed to answer accordingly. This still sounds ridiculous to me, since you would still kinda need to know generally what the phase-out amount was. I kept getting questions wrong on my Becker review quizzes because I didn't realize the mom and pop exception phased out at $150,000, until finally I took the hint that there was a good chance that phase-out would be tested and memorized it.

    I don't know if that rumor about the high AGI or low AGI is true or not. If someone can elaborate on this, I'd be interested in finding out more, as well.


    That sounds pretty accurate to me. I think when in doubt, there is a phase-out. (Didn't mean to make a rhyme…)

    I noticed the same thing on Becker, Tim says don't worry about phaseouts we are not highlighting this part of the book. But then they have popped up in their MCQ

    FAR 92
    AUD 99
    REG 94

    Becker Self-Study, Wiley Test Bank

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