Passed REG w/out studying B Law

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  • #1680980

    I am shocked I passed REG with an 83. I slacked on studying business law and figured that would be the reason I failed but apparently that is not the case. Just wanted to point out to people it might be worth your time to hammer out and really nail the other areas within REG rather than waste a ton of time on BLaw if you have limited study time. Don’t want to steer anyone in the wrong direction but just wanted to share my experience.

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  • #1681447

    I had the same experience. I barely studied BLaw and the parts I did were very rushed (two days before my exam). I didn't even open a lot of the modules in Becker under the Blaw sections. I agree with mastering on the other material before even looking at BLaw. However, I only passed with a 77, so maybe a LITTLE more studying would have helped 😉 not that it matters!


    Did you study the ethics section?


    Yes, I went through the Ethics modules in Becker twice before the exam. I would not advise skipping that area.


    Ya I didn't have a lot of time so I skipped ethics and business law. Got a 70. Feels bad.


    @Jj – well the good news is you can pinpoint why you didnt get a passing score, you know? I'd rather be in that situation and get a 70 than feel like I studied all of the material inside and out and still get a 70. You got it next time!


    @emichelle- ya exactly. That was one of the stupidest mistakes I've ever made not studying ethics though. It was all over my exam. Would have been my last exam. Congratulations on being done with this nightmare.


    I, for one, had a lot of b-law on my re-take, and hardly any on my first attempt. This is a tricky tricky beast…


    I didn’t leave anything on the table when I took REG and I made an 82 the first time. I don’t like the idea of spending all that money and skipping certain sections on the hope that I won’t have those questions. I have extended studying and changed my test dates a few times, but skipping topics seems too risky because all topics are fair game.

    B | 62, 78
    A | 73, 67, 79
    R | 82
    F | 59, 59, Waiting

    Ethics | 93

    "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
    ~Winston Churchill

    “In a world full of critics, be an encourager."

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