Partner's Health Insurance premium – Is it reported to Form 1065, Sch K, and K1?

  • Creator
  • #176129

    Regarding Partner’s Health Insurance premium, Is it reported to Form 1065? According to Becker Text R4-15, it should be reported in Form 1065, Schedule K, and Sch K-1. However, Becker Simulation does not specify to report to Form 1065…

    I asked Becker said that health insurance is sometimes deducted from ordinary income on 1065 and then reported as a guaranteed payment. hence, they mention this in book. however, it is not the most common treatment. Instead, the common treatment is that it should appear in Schedule K…

    I am very confused… What do I have to concern if i see this similar question in real exam???

    Please advise.. Thank you.

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  • Author
  • #397234

    Health insurance premiums are considered a guaranteed payment to a partner, therefore will appear as an expense on the 1065.

    Guaranteed payments flow through to the K-1 as income to that particular partner. If partnership made a profit then the health insurance payments are also deducted on the Schedule K-1 (cancels out income to partner). However, if partnership had a loss for the year then the deduction on the K-1 is not allowed but the partner can include the health insurance amount as a Schedule A medical exp.

    I hope this makes sense…..


    Here's an explanation with examples which I found useful.

    AUD 01/17/2013 (92)
    REG 02/28/2013 (85)
    FAR 04/26/2013 (85)
    BEC 05/30/2013 (88)


    Thanks, dont5253 and Theo!!


    Regardless of whether the company has a profit or a loss, partners' health insurance is treated as a guaranteed payment except it's reported on it's own line on the k-1. The partner recognizes income from it, but can offset that income with the SE health insurance deduction on page 1, not sch A. The page 1 deduction is much better than sch A because it reduces AGI which affects phase-outs, it is deductible even if the partner is not itemizing, it reduces SE tax, and it isn't subject to the 7.5% floor that sch A medical expenses are.

    FAR - 79 - 07/2012
    AUD - 65, 78 - 11/2012
    BEC - 76 - 11/2012
    REG - 78 - 01/2013
    ETH - 98 - 01/2013

    Material: Wiley books

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