Off & on & off & on…again

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  • #2715066

    Hello all, just a little background I’ve been studying for the CPA exam off and on for about 2 years now. I’ve only passed BEC which expires 3/30/20. I’m currently studying for Regulation off & on for about 3 months and just finished chapter 7. I have been studying off and on and I’m wondering should i review 2 chapters a day before i move on to 8? or should i just move on to 8 finish and then go back over everything? Any advice or words of encouragement will be greatly appreciated. We’ll all be CPA’s one day!!

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  • #2715159

    I would spend a while doing mult. choice questions for ch 1-7 and see how you do. If you are scoring like 65-70% or higher then just move on to ch 8. If you don't do great then that means you should go through ch 1-7 again! Don't do on and off, you'll waste/lose precious time!! Go for it hard. Good luck!


    @iwantthiscpa Yeah sounds about right, looks like i do have to review after taking your advice, thanks!

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