Need some…encouragement on REG

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  • #172668

    I will have my REG exam, my final one, in 3 weeks and my conclusion is that I don’t feel prepared at all.

    I m using Becker and I have a hard time putting those bankruptcy, security act and all other business laws in memory. Too much exception, general rules and the number limits to remember. The worse case is that while I m struggling with the law right now, it seems those tax laws have become a blur to me now. All my effort I put on taxation seemed a waste for now. I m feeling discouraged, nonetheless I know I have only two more chances on REG before my first credit (AUD) expires. Really want to end this asap.

    Hopefully for those who passed REG this year can provide some experience, and giving some advice on how to tackle the business law.

    Thank you!

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  • #356909

    kobe, I understand! I just took REG (also my final section!) on 7/16 and my last two weeks felt like a disaster. Up until this last section, I was very pleased with Becker.they need to redo their structure for REG.

    Pehaps it would be helpful to select a handful of specifc topics in the book and review them in detail. I spent a lot of time reviewing the trust/estate rules regarding DNI and taxable income, partnership transfer rules for property with a liability, and the documents of title – all areas that I was weak in. Heading into the exam, I still felt fairly unprepared with the overall level of detail that Becker presents, but studying those large areas that I was weak in helped me feel more confident. In the end, I had only a couple questions that required knowledge of the exact details amounts.

    If you're having trouble with the BLAW topics, I would suggest reading through the examples in the Becker books as you review those topics. It helps to put the law into an actual situation. And even if you can't master EVERYTHING, having a general knowledge of most topics and a more detailed knowledge of just a few larger topics should help you to pass.

    Don't stop thinking about how close you are to being done!!! Finish strong, then get ready to move on in life!

    FAR: 4/2/12 Passed!
    AUD: 4/30/12 Passed!
    BEC: 5/29/12 Passed!
    REG: 7/16/12 Passed!


    I'm taking REG in 3.5 weeks as well and at first the amount the detail seems ridiculous. I'm almost done with everything and have already starting to review some topics. I think when you review for a 2nd or 3rd time, then it starts to click. I was actually reviewing Estates and Trusts yesterday and got high scores and actually knew what I was doing lol..

    I personally think the key is reviewing the text and pounding those mtfs (MCQs). For the last four days I plan on just working MCQs until I puke. I can smell the roses of freedom blooming on August 21, 2012. We can and we will pass!!!!


    kobe, this is exactly how I felt before taking it the first time. You seem to be ok with the material right after reading about it but the more you read, the less you remember what you read about before. Plus a lot of the topics are similar (in tax) and then even if you remeber the rule you start to forger what it applies to…

    After studying really hard for two months (more than for any other secion) I felt like I was less prepared for REG than I was coming into any other section. I ended up failing.

    But let me tell you, when I studied for it the second time I really felt that the concepts were sinking in much better and I did not experience memory overload/loss to the same degree. The key is – review, review, review. And then after you are done reviewing a section talk the rules back to yourself as if a teacher to a class. Then again, as if you are a teacher, compare how this particular rule (say on S corps) is different from/similar to a differnt rule, say on partnerships. That way you will learn to relate the topics to one another while at the same time memorizing and compartmentalizing your knowledge.

    Do that 3, 4, 5 times untill you no longer need the book and can recite the rule to yourself at any point during the day, driving, taking a shower etc.

    My other advice would be to do a similar exercise the night before the test, to really make sure you are up to date on most of the major concepts and any details you have time for.

    Don't have my score back yet, but I think I at least beat my previous score.

    FAR - 85 November 2011
    AUD - 81 January 2012
    REG - 68 March 2012
    BEC - 86 April 2012
    REG - 92 July 2012


    Thanks guys, can't believe you guys are all one “REG” away from passing the whole damn thing. REG is definitely a beast for me. I feel even more discouraged when I actually opened up the sim questions on the software. I couldn't believe the questions can be that tough. Even though I have not much problem with tax topics, but wow, the sims make me look a tiny ant. My main concern about business law is that am I studying too deep into the material? does it really worth it to memorize the details?


    I would say read the blaw material in Becker couple times and work those MCQs/SIMs 2-3 times. If you are scoring above 80%, you are good to go. Most say focus on tax and don't worry about blaw, however, I had a different experience during the actual test. MCQs could contain many blaw as well as Ethics/Legal responsibility while SIMs are usually tax related (use research tab for topics you aren't aware of, very helpful:).

    I also agree with spending little extra time with DNI and AMT, those are good topics to score some “easy” points even if you just understand the basic.

    I passed REG on 3rd time and it was due to repetition. Just keep reading and working those MCQs. At first, it'll seem overwhelming, but it'll start to stick.

    PS: Can't you postpone your exam till end of the testing window?


    I can relate, there is so much detail to learn with REG, I do actually enjoy it better than FAR so that helps somewhat but I get overwhelmed with all the little tax laws and details and I just hope I can keep it straight come exam day.


    All the talk about using authoritative literature makes me wonder why I did not even try to look for the couple of crucial rules in my SIMs when I had 30 minutes left and I was all done… 😕

    Do they take out the pertinent sections from authoritative literature so you can't look up the exact rule or am I just making this up?

    FAR - 85 November 2011
    AUD - 81 January 2012
    REG - 68 March 2012
    BEC - 86 April 2012
    REG - 92 July 2012

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