Need Advice from HIGH REG scorers

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  • #179814

    Hello fellow A71ers!

    I have a very serious situation here; simply put I need a 96 to get the Watt Sells award. I am asking for any advice possible, here is some background on me.

    I have sat for all the exams in the last three months and to be very honest, I am burnt out. I walked out of AUD feeling like I didn’t fail, but that I only did okay (maybe mid 80’s). Well My score came out about an hour ago and I received a 99, which was a complete shock to me. Since I took AUD in late July, I have been studying for REG, but with very little motivation. I had the mentality of “I just want this to be over”; well that all changed when I realized that I will qualify for the Watt Sells award if I can land a 96 on REG. I now have the next 7 days to cram as much studying as possible in and pray for the best.

    I am asking those that have scored high on REG for some advice; any tips, tricks or areas of focus. Anything at all would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

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  • #433878

    Don't know if a 92 counts as a high score for you since you need a 96, but close enough. Honestly I thought the material was incredibly frustrating. Not sure if you're using Becker, but I read through the textbook front to back again because there were just so many little exceptions that I became pretty overwhelmed. I was doing MCQ and overthinking everything because I didn't want to miss some minor detail. My advice? Forget that. Most of the stuff is straight forward and if it isn't, it'll be obvious. Just do TONS of MCQ and sims, and make sure you understand the differences in the tax application of transactions (C Corp, S corp, partnership, etc.). Also, know the various exceptions for contract law and distinguish clearly between dealer and non-dealer. Lastly, the IRC is impossible to read and search through, so I wouldn't count on it for help on sims, it's nothing like the Codification or AU-C.

    My study plan was something like this:

    1. Do Becker (lectures, hw, sims)

    2. After becker, do 100 MCQ from wiley every day (assuming you're in the final ~10 days), coupled with a read through of the becker book… 1 chapter each day in depth. After the read through, go to the optional MCQ in becker and work through those until you're comfortable (I did 30-50). Then finish the day with 5 or so sims.

    3. 1-2 days before exam: Becker practice exams, read Ninja notes, restudy any confusing concepts.

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