Looking for some advice; Need a miracle (Very short on study time) - Page 2

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  • #185486

    So, saying I’m short on time is an understatement. I am officially 11 days away from the exam and I still haven’t finished studying my material. (Never mind reviewing; I’m talking studying). I am about 100 pages away from finish my review materials. So what I decided to do was finish reading the materials (within hopefully the next 2-3 days) and then just going overload on the multiple choice questions.

    Normally when studying, I would 1. watch lecture, 2. read book 3. answer questions/sims on CPAExcel 4. take notes of book and any questions I had trouble with.

    So what I think I should do now is – skip lectures and questions/sims and just finish the material ASAP and then just do a gazillion multiple choice questions and sims until exam date comes. (leaving 7 full days for that since I took off of work). I ordered the Ninja MCQ so I would be bouncing back and forth with the Ninja MCQs and the CPAExcel ones.

    What do you guys think? I know I’m short on options here but Tax season ruined my study plans; coworker had to leave on emergency so I had to pick up his work. Oh well, here goes nothing.


    BEC - ✔
    REG - ✔
    AUD - ✔
    FAR - 11/29/14

    CPAExcel, Ninja MCQs, and a sh*t ton of coffee

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  • #552249

    i'm in the same boat – work really drilled me down this quarter and i only have this and next window to pass FAR before my AUD expires so i'm doing it anyway. no lectures for me – just getting through the MCQ and will watch lectures or youtube if something's not sticking. this is my last exam so i know the lectures waste time and aren't what i remember when things finally stick.

    i'm studying properly though – not skipping over anything and the day or two before this round i'll just blitz a bit of everything. i know it's not likely i'll pass this time around (something that's really help calm my anxiety and in turn allowed me to take the breaks i need and focus!!) so when i resume studying 4 days after the exam i can just jump back in and put in another solid month or two knowing really how to go about the retake. if i do pass this month, it'll be nothing short of a miracle – something i'm not used to so maybe it's in our cards! good luck!


    I cannot say this enough-do not underestimate the amount of business law on this exam.

    @GSU-CPA-I'm not sure 20% is an accurate number. I got a 76 on REG and had I not focused equally on tax and law….well, let's just say I would have a big old sad face in my signature.

    FAR 82
    REG 76
    BEC 71, 78 (There is a light!!!)
    AUD 69, 83 (DONE!!!!)


    I cannot say this enough-do not underestimate the amount of business law on this exam.

    @GSU-CPA-I'm not sure 20% is an accurate number. I got a 76 on REG and had I not focused equally on tax and law….well, let's just say I would have a big old sad face in my signature.

    FAR 82
    REG 76
    BEC 71, 78 (There is a light!!!)
    AUD 69, 83 (DONE!!!!)

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